You came back……..”I never left”

it seems inevitable to me that i will forever miss the mark, and fall prey to the fears that seem to be an intrinsic part of me given the choice between the high road and the less desirable route it remains a fifty/fifty chance i will do the right thing………up…

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spiritual seesaw

just when i think i am getting it, i slip dusting myself off, i gather myself and my wits moments of self examination follow seldom do i like what i find and it is generally an off hand attempt to justify errant behavior i have supposedly given up charge and…

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no mondegreen please

there are certain works that i depend to keep my course on track and i have suffered greatly by slight misinterpretations of these texts so i am now inclined to make every attempt to read slowly and get it right for i have evidence that lack of attention results in…

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i have come to see, my Father resides in me and when i let Him have His way……………………..i always have a beautiful day i have everything i need……………………………………….i need You let’s me accept things as they are and not fret about what lies ahead, for i know i an safe…

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nascent teachings/for Jenna

the course you proposed was hoped to scintillate my desire to follow along in hopes of learning something new so trying my best to avoid contempt prior to investigation, i opened the text and it wasn’t long before i was confronted with suggestions that went against my core beliefs one…

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back to vacation Bible School/ for Cullen

listening to my nephew recant the stories and lessons he learned in Bible School i am ready to sign up for a refresher course most things good and valid are simple do good, be good, say good and feel good……………….back to basics is always a great way to clean up…

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safety deposit box

i like things that remind me of pleasant times in my past, trinkets, figurines, pictures, etc….. however, they never last the tests and trials of time…………whether it be my mishaps or the clumsy fingers of little children in a hurry to see and feel……they fall to the wayside and end…

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necessities/to teachers

i chuckle when i reflect on the the numerous things i used to think important…………………..and now it seems strange that i placed value on them at all there are no other teachers as thorough or unkind as the hand of Mother Nature and the Rod of Father Time but these…

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outfitted/for lucyru

i have the map and now the guide, my framework is in place driven by a hundred forms of fear, i searched for an easier way one that would give me the answers to issues into my life that creep what i found the price required was to follow another’s…

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seasoned to your taste

in pursuit of enlightenment a friend cried out to me ”why i have found a lovely way to find that which we seek, doesn’t require much sacrifice and the language is soft and sweet” i am trying to be open to different paths people trod, and what i have found…

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stop trying to figure out what God’s doing

i swing in my swing and listen to the birds sang and marvel at the handiwork of God as i reflect i am confronted with the fact that i have fiddled away great spans of time…… trying to understand Gods’ plan when in reality i’m not capable of it the…

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peace is knowing when to quit

there is a world of difference in trying your best and going through the motions when you’re faced with a test if you have given it your best shot that’s all you can do, so pack it up disappointed is to be expected when less than was desired was achieved,…

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i’ve fallen……. and i’m not ready to get up

i put myself in this place by not paying attention to my steps so perhaps while i’m in this space i should take my time to look around interesting how a change in altitude can give perspective a shift i get an opportunity to examine other issues where i have…

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i make it hard

i have a tendency……to make it harder than it needs to be probably because i don’t like being honest with me the worst part to admit is that i’ve been at this long enough to know i don’t have to like it but i am slitting my wrists if i’m…

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something we should talk about

we might as well address this thorn that continues to cause me grief you ask me to help you but what’s the use, it’s obvious that you know everything so i am puzzled by what you meant when you asked for my assistance, where you merely looking for someone new…

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this is a word, i don’t think of or use very often the implications that someone or something owe’s me is laughable at best i have lived a rogue life and try my best to continue, in regards to non-conventional thinking and beliefs………………………..however i try to be considerate of others…

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3 H Club

health……………..head…………………heart the 3h club is a simple group that anyone can join, the membership requirements are having a goal as to where you are going and where you have been eat well, that being contingent on your predispositions, your genetics and appropriate portions a moral and mental compass formed with…

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jacob’s ladder

much easier to jump on another’s bandwagon then to get on your own finding and following ones’ purpose, we all have one, is both challenging and painful, but following the lead of another for your life’s direction is to being a caddie………………………… carry the clubs but someone else has the…

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catch and release

i used to think it strange but now i see the way things seem to come to me now i know it’s just the way God chooses to speak to me so it has come apparent the things that stay, are ones i get and then giveaway i only have…

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the story you tell/for Angela

it helps to have someone to point things out and tonight you did that for me i hope to offer the same concern for others as the concern you showed for me not in the tone or fashion that would lend itself to critique…..but far from that, to a simple…

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occasionally i recall the steps that have led me to this day troubled and confused they were and long i do not stay but a revenant life that did little to help or care has been revived, and energized and i cannot begin to address the gratitude i now have…

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transitioning to light

i now see, the man like a saint was led to me i listened intently as he spoke and was amazed to see he honestly illuminated the room and smiled as he spoke to me ” not everyone can see, the light that shines through me, but you choose this…

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”the world seems so crazy today, i don’t understand what’s going on” conversations overheard in the streets here’s your answer, you don’t want to hear it, much less believe it but that’s the thing about the truth,nothing can stop it from being the truth when as a family, a community,…

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when i get old i will choose to be young a natural progression as one follows the sun for as the day proceeds through each hour it moves to the beginning again so after a life has ran it’s course, with all it’s up and downs and in’s and out’s…

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old friend

old friend i see your messages and eventually return your calls i make myself go see you occasionally to keep the thread intact, if in name only i have to admit it’s me not you…………………………you are the same….but i’m not life takes us different places and the places life has…

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the sermon of the bald head

my wife was leaving town and i was up so i decided to visit a church around the block a new congregation has bought the building as the previous church had failed to attract new members and the fellowship had gotten older and lost many members due to age so…

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white flag

took just a few more contradictions, for me to admit things weren’t going right so i took the intended suggestion and reluctantly raised the white flag now i’m not opposed to engaging in actions that oppose or resist but to continue fighting a war i cannot win….. in my mind…

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rubber band

i suppose many would think me an odd little man, that i should find reason to pause and comprehend, the beauty and function of a rubber band for i offer no reason nor excuse that i should be amazed and moved by ordinary things when i reflect an inspect the…

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”what took you so long”

i acknowledge the light that shines in me, i did not have it, it was given to me…….and i now live a life that is rich and free the voice says ” what took you so long ” it was not so much that i needed to do certain things,…

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He’s not going anywhere

shout and holler, scream and swear run around the house in your underwear say you don’t believe and you don’t care He’s not going anywhere try His patience again and again say He doesn’t care and He’s not your friend wear yourself out and then fall down but He’s not…

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