basic is best
the longer i adventure i am clearly able to see……. the simpler i can keep things the better off i’ll be…… i am mesmerized by the simple working of a tool and how much can be accomplished, with a saw, hammer, nails and a rule….. while i can be impressed…
Read Morecapitulation
there will be no coup, no conflict, no more prolonged engagements, those battles are over and the fields are strewn with the remnants of those encounters. some wounds received as a consequence are still healing. there is an abundance of evidence that left to my own devices i am self-destructive…………………do…
Read MoreDavid aka ”Gill”
i see you standing on the hill looking out over the land the Goliath that you face is coming close at hand i do not see you tremble and a smile adorns your face some would say a facade, not so in your case i see you carefully select the…
Read Moremine
”mine” as in ownership is a dangerous thing/ denotes we possess something that we aim to keep……..the problem with this thinking it restricts the flow of accepting and giving and letting things go everyone is different but many would agree things kept to myself quickly lose interest to me………for the…
Read MoreBIGGGGGGG and small
the coolest thing about the GOD i know, He can be BIG, and yet He can be so small. when i have a daunting task at hand, i pray hard and i feel His large hands, and when i and tired and i need a friend, He sits on the…
Read Moretricks of the trade
only makes sense to share what we learn, so we should take turns sharing simple things we have found that make life easier as we walk this ground, we’ll just call them, ”tricks of the trade.” doesn’t really matter if you are old or young, we all feel better when…
Read Morejust depends
what we see just depends on what we have programmed or rammed into our head/funny how we can look at the same thing and see it so differently/what if clear eyes saw each thing as it is………without the trappings of what the program says so if i am willing to…
Read More”it will be okay”
”it will be okay,” i heard you say and it made me kinda mad/ but we lived through it and i have to admit i remember what you said it was me and my attitude that had an ax to grind, but we did what we could do and everything…
Read Moreroom of many colors
that room at the end of the hall has taken on many hues and colors more than it’s painted walls would suggest…………… serves to house quests and occasional strangers in need of a place to rest….. sometimes they are happy and sometimes their lives are a mess, and the room…
I bet this is something you would never take the time to inspect, but from my perspective it makes a lot of sense……………if you want a meaningful friendship then one would expect…………you will need to invest time no problem…… on that we probably can agree, but the issue we run…
Read Morespiritual diarrhea
you see, i have come to believe that everything that happens is a blessing to me when i need a reminder that my power is limited at best, i get experiences that remind me of this so as i am talking with a friend a bomb dropped from heaven into…
Read Moreguillotine
these first thoughts of the day are causing me to be cross/ i care not for the subject and i want them to get lost……………….so i lay my head willing beneath the blade up above and when i let the rope go…………..the blade will lope it off. i see you…
Read Moreheard what you said/ never spoke a word/ for sister Mary
i heard what you said, loud and clear, from the look on your face and the way you tossed your never opened your mouth but your words covered the room, spoken by the fire in your eyes. i have to admit i never have received a clearer message since,…
Read Moresomething tta/ to think about/119
what one is willing to do to resolve a disagreement or conflict in a relationship is determined by the value one places on that relationship worth a lot……..give a lot/ not good for all……………let it go
Read Moreto a point
i will bend and i will stretch to help you feel better about yourself, but just so you know………there are places and things…….. were i ain’t gonna go so please don’t read my willingness as a free pass to suit yourself, because if that’s the attitude you take…………………there will be…
Read Moresubstitute/for me not u
when i have a negative thought about what you say or do, i substitute an arrow prayer, for me not really for you……………….for i cannot change your actions nor your attitude, but i can choose how it affects me by praying a blessing for you……………matters not who is right or…
Read Moreinsecure, ”made you look”
if i am insecure about me, i will need your scrutiny, and perhaps your stamp of approval would help me………………to feel better about my identity the need to be noticed is a definite sign that i’m not confidant about whom i am, and if i need you to authenticate me………………….that…
Read Morehot poker in the eye/people pleaser
sure…………i’ll put that hot poker in my eye……………then i’ll get an attitude because i stepped aside from what i know to be true…………that i will go against myself to try and please you let’s see, how i shall cut off little pieces of me to try an accommodate you until…
Read Morewe don’t know
we don’t know so we interject because we think we have a clue about what the Earth is supposed to do/ we look from a standpoint of a few chosen years and we are up in arms because we can’t see clear when you think you know how the Earth…
Read Morehome plate
i firmly stand on my home plate, the living word of God. i take the bat and the tools He provides and watch as the world throws the pitch. i can choose when to engage and when to let it’s offers pass, i need not swing at every pitch, some…
Read Morelesser of two evils
how many times have you made such a statement, i know i have hundreds but who are we kidding………still isn’t right, just less wrong we are shortcut people always looking for an easier softer way which turns out to be neither the lesser of two evils will still get you…
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