personality: the enemy of spirituality

when i place me above all else i see, it prevents me from being part of, and if i resist being part of , how will i learn and grow……my encounters with thoughts and actions i detest will reinforce what i know, and will help me see that our individuality…

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”more” is not the answer…….except love

more is not the answer…………….more money, more time, more things………more, more, more……won’t bring you any closer to the peace and serenity we seek…………more is only an appropriate action in seeking a greater spiritual connection and in the giving of more love…..otherwise it is mere clutter ”more” is the enemy of…

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when i’m ready

when i have been equipped with the necessary tools and the wisdom from my Lord, then i will comprehend why things are happening as they should, for me to spend time wondering about things that make no sense to me, when i am ready my eyes and mind will open…

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the blessing of the fog

there are very few of us that are always sure where they trod, some may reach that plateau as their faith deepens in their walk with God……the rest of us are confronted with the never ending fog that requires our constant connection, holding hands with our Guide…….i have no illusions…

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we unfortunately don’t know……………we assume

so we don’t have all the pieces so we go with what we have….we fill in the spaces……with the things that we find…….problem with this approach we are driven by impatience and fear………what we end up is distorted projections, disconnected from reality. the fix for assumption goes against human nature…

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good enough….for God/for lee.p

i have a friend, a fledgling christian like me, measuring himself by a yardstick that keeps him bound to a feeling that he’s not good enough……….just like me. now he asked me if he could come over because he needed to vent and the funny thing about it, i really…

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gratitude is…….

gratitude is the absence of want, when what is needed has been provided and one is grateful and appreciative…….i have concluded that i only think i know what will make me happy, and that is contingent on my current ”flavors of the month,” but God knows what i need to…

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the occasion had a certain air that i noticed as i joined…..wasn’t long before it became offensive, so didn’t tarry long…….perhaps it was the selection of guests…..they might as well be clones……..and i have found to much on any one things goes sour before too long……

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i would love to talk with you about your interests or concerns, but if you need to gossip or chatter, please keep moving on……..i don’t engage in fruitless flapping of the lips….much has been distorted and twisted by those who engage in it…….so if you have a problem or an…

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advanced living

a surefire way to determine someone’s spirituality is their ability to forgive….. i know of no other indicator that reveals more about a person and their priorities……. for an advanced spiritualist realizes the inability to forgive is a millstone around their neck…….preventing them from a higher awareness, tethered to and…

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thanksgiving prayer

may all your loose ends be tied…….

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arrange the picture in your mind and let it sear into thoughts, take the time to go over the details until they are refined let it be clear that what you seek is intended to be of benefit to others as well as yourself humbly ask the Power you trust,…

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just a minute

just a minute is all we have and all we ever will, so i can super focus and be very careful and slow, or i can wrestle playfully with time as the hands tick away, but i prefer a mix and i live my life that way…… sometimes i am…

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a color you prefer

i can see it bothers you to tell it like it is……a softer tone with laces and fringe would be your color of choice………and i will do my best to pick a softer hue, but it’s hard when my eyes see red, to try to be subdued …………….your rationale is…

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i’m leaning

I’m leaning on you to guide me through this maze that is presented to me, i have to admit i am puzzled a bit………….but we have been through challenging times before………….as i look back this time will pass and a lesson will be learned………but make no mistake, i know where…

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take what you need

take what you need and leave the rest, these situations are always a test, to see if you are grateful that you have been blessed, or you forget to take only what you need…… and leave the rest…. say what needs to be said and leave the rest, the least…

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there is a little man who lives down the street his mailbox is decorated with all sorts of things, and i can tell by his walk and his tone……..this little man always has something going on…… i hear him humming as he works in his yard and the flowers and…

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i leave most funerals with a puzzled face because the eulogies offered seldom embrace the person that i knew, and i would be okay if they say about me, ”he was an s.o.b., but he had his moments and we loved him anyway.” one thing still amazes me, when you…

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i have witnessed the staves in the barrel over time, change their color and hue, the metal trim has rusted in spots and yet continues to hold fast and true, an although it has changed a bit it still does what it was designed to do. i liken myself to…

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the heavy lifting

good to have someone to do the heavy lifting not quite as spry as i use to be, i’m okay with the small stuff, the rest is no longer a task for me. when things get out of balance or i am concerned or confused i call the Guy who…

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up 2 u

i put a rainbow in one pocket and a star in the next, no one said i couldn’t do it because i didn’t bother to ask…….and almost immediately things i didn’t think were possible came true……..and i finally realized not many things a confidant mind cannot figure out how to…

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just a minute

just a minute is all it takes to heal a friendship or make a mistake……………rarely have i seen things that suffered by waiting, but i have often witnessed and participated in actions that resulted in chaos by not doing so,…………….haste indeed does make waste………………”just a minute friend, let’s let this…

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i saw the rabbit from the corner of my eye, the sound as we rode over him, made me shudder…….and ask why. the report of a family in the wrong place at the wrong time, resulting in a bullet riddled fan and children set on fire,why? there are many things…

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pressure cooker

take the cooker off the stove, it started cooking when they stepped on your toes, let the temperature drop before you open the lid………………and try to remember what was said, came from someone who is sick in the head…… what my instincts prefer to do is cut you down and…

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Natures Play

trees can laugh……..and trees can sing………..they also know how to cry……………….to dismiss this as ludicrous would denote little time had been spent outside……… go outside to nourish the inside…………………curtain call

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good minds listen to great minds without hesitation or confrontation……………….aware that we are not all capable of extraordinary insight or discernment…………..most can elevate to higher levels of thought through prayer and meditation, but genetics and surroundings often determine the levels our minds can achieve………all can become educated, some become wise.…

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my God is the God of the atom……………should cover everything

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a short pause you afford me as i enter into today, events that have transpired do not go my way, but i have good reason to believe that it will end okay, because i know you are in charge and Your Ways are not my ways. as i travel throughout…

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confidant/for hicky V

i get you and you get me and what a beautiful thing to feel and see/ two people connected by a desire to seek reality as opposed to what we want to see……….very cool when a good friend takes you to school and shows you a different way to handle…

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thank God i have enough sense that i can laugh at me, when i think i have made huge strides spiritually, i let an offhand remark send me spinning like a whirling dervish. i am still that little boy who isn’t that fond of sharing his toys but at least…

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