limited/ for Gary P.
i would like to comfort you and fill that space you lost………………but i am just an old friend and i’m not capable of that……………………i know you have a faith, and i know you question the point…………………..of losing that one person who got who you are………….a few words of sympathy and…
Read Morelike teaching my dogs to play chess
i saw Buddha on a scooter and he stopped and we had a chat…………….he said, ”i’m really not that smart…….. i’m just good at recognizing where i’m at……………. appreciating what is………. instead of what i project……..hop on i’ll show you what i mean……” so i hopped on board…….. what a…
Read Morewouldn’t have much to say
take away my fears and complaints………………..i wouldn’t have a lot to say……..when the judgment and lies stop and i accept that all of us are lacking in spots………..i wouldn’t have a lot to say………..let me afford you,…………the same understanding and grace i expect from you…………….i wouldn’t have a lot to…
Read Moremy perception/risible
i must admit…………i laugh a bit when i inspect my perception……………………given just a bit of time…………………i am apt to remind………………….myself of what a jaded view i have of the world……………so my best bet is to refrain before i interject logic as flimsy as the mind that generates it………………………i am aware…
Read Morenature doesn’t ask
nature doesn’t ask questions……………….it just does what it needs to do……………….and i have to admit that’s something………………that i should do……………….when the obvious is before me what an insane waste of time, for me to question why things are the way they are instead of doing what is required……………………… many needless…
Read Morewish i could forget you……..but i can’t / for d.watts
i wish i could forget you…………………..but i can’t ………………………………….i wish i could forget the bars and wire and clanging doors, the long faces and wet eyes…………..but i can’t……………………i wish i could forget how leaving…………… brings back all the memories……….. how i placed myself in prison………………………… i struggled to hide as…
Read Morehey / All Moses Got Was The Butt
now i wouldn’t claim to know much about anything…………. but i reason Moses was a pretty good guy…………………he had His faults but He took up a long and hard walk because that’s what God asked Him to do……………….He walked through desert sands, had snakes bite His Hand and lead His…
Read Morehaving the time of your life?
you better be having the time of your life, because this is the time you have…..we never know when the gig is up or when we will be coming back………….so have the time of your life and squeeze out every drop…………………..because no one cares to tell you what you forgot…
Read Moreyou will be reminded……
you will be reminded of things you tend to forget and those reminders may not be pleasant little tips…………….they may hit you in the face and cause you to do flips…………… will be reminded……. something you may not have considered for quite some time…….. may burst like a fountain and…
Read Morewell……………….what are you, going to do
didn’t seem like a lot………………when you signed someone else’s name in the slot, a formality that was sure to go undetected……………but as with so many things the thing that was most unlikely to happen…………………….did……………………… you caused quite a stir………………. you have survived so far……………..but the game may not be over…
Read MoreDOG……………..GOD spelled backwards
as i go along…….becoming more obvious to me……….the only thing that will love me unconditionally…………… my dogs if i holler at them…………they forgive me in 10 seconds, if i forget to feed them, they still wag their tails when i come home……………………. when i go out of town they don’t…
Read Moreflood gate………….open
i awoke today with the aftermath of a dangerous game i played, thinking the world would look the other way…………….and i could do what i want……………..and the world let me think i could continue on, marching to my own drum as i merrily trotted into the mire……………knee deep i began…
Read Moresit boo-boo……sit
never run,……………………when God is telling you to sit…….. can’t think of a faster way to end up in a pit…………………….. as you sit cold and crying at the bottom a hole…………………. you will hear a soft but distinct voice……………………………………… ” I told You it wasn’t time to go”……………………..sit boo-boo sit…
Read Morecareful………..what you think you know
what i know unequivocally would fit nicely on the back of a book of matches, if i write small…………………………………. God loves and looks after me,……God is a He….ref ”Father”………….sorry femmies i can move away from Him, He will not distance Himself from me there is no point in entering a…
Read Moreover
if one can be honest enough to see…………………………..things don’t always go along smoothly……………. a determination must be made…………….what is the part i played……and what can i do to make things better……………………..sometimes………….like today………………it is……………………..starting……………….over…………………….o…….v……..e…….r
Read Moresuspended
now i lay me down to sleep, because i am tired of dealing with this creep……………and with him i share a bed……………but he is not having access to my head………..he is under suspension…………………….i am my worst enemy forging ahead with defensive plans i’ve made based on false information…………….because i am…
Read Moreyou can’t read my mind
you may say you love me and you may look for signs, but the real ”skinny” is your can’t read my mind……………….i think you should know how i think and how i feel, but quite honestly that changes with a gust of wind……………….so i’m seeking shelter and a reprieve from…
Read Morejust call it a….day
i could go on and on but instead i’ll just call it a day, won’t give it a label or a cute little twist……………it was what it was…………..and that’s the end of it some are better than others from a certain point of view, but it takes all kinds to…
Read Morenot the same for everyone
how naive that we should say……”well this should sound and be this way…” when God takes men down different paths and teaches them in different ways…………the main thing is the trust that He has given to each of us……….. that He knows what it will take to get us to…
Read MoreA.C.E……
when you get to the end…………………if you are lucky enough to see it coming, often we aren’t so lucky, have the guts to accept that you are the reason it turned out the way it did because of the choices you made…………if you don’t like it, accept the responsibility……….. but if…
Read MoreHe’s not coming
He’s not coming, that God you fear, pray to when you are in despair and hope that He hears…………………lay awake at night thinking nobody cares………………He’s not coming, because He’s already here…………………………when your feet seem tangled and you struggle to talk, you have trouble forming words and you would rather not…
Read Moreindolent
perhaps some would call it lazy and some would term it a break…….actually i couldn’t care less how they would term it………. today i am going to skate…..across this imaginary pond and feel the wind in my face…………anything that requires my attention………………….today it can wait…………………for i have had many days…
Read Moreprojecting……………..the noose around my neck……for vic and bill k.
i put the noose around my neck every time i project…………….because it leaves me with a false feeling…………..that i know what to expect……………my fears and humanity color my reality and leave me with a distorted view of the world and the issues i face… every time i think i see…
Read Morethank-you……..i need your help
one cannot be grateful without humility i am not capable of performing miracles, only attest to them there are only two emotions……….love…..and fear i have come to terms with the revelation: there is no destination, only the journey everything is controlled by my attitude my attitude is controlled by my…
i am putting this puzzle together, most people refer to it as ”life” ………….as with everyone i have had my struggles….. i have had my fights………….but it always seems like some of the pieces were missing, i just couldn’t get it right…………..i always had a faith………and i was taught my…
Read Morehand-writer
a letter, mark, caricature, sign something to help this feeble mind, remember what it is i’m supposed to do and where i’m supposed to be………..the current trend, i say current because the hand-writers i know don’t do current or trends, they do what they do that works for them…………………..i am…
Read MoreFlaneur at heart
the road ahead beckons me but as i have passed through time, my experience reminds me to look closely as i pass………. to examine and reflect the present and presence of where i am………….. for it does little good to reach if i am not aware of my feet……….. where…
Read More1st face it/ 2nd deal with it
i don’t like it where i am but that’s okay………….i suppose i’m where i am supposed to be…………… least i’m not afraid to look and i can acknowledge what i see………i reckon i’m where i am supposed to be……………..don’t have the desire to cover things up or pretend i’m somewhere…
Read Morewhat child is this……
what Child is this that is causing such a stir, they tell me He has His own star, people are coming from near and far……….to witness the birth of a kid in the slums, and i hear talk that He will turn things upside down……………….i want to know about this…
Read Morestill holding on…………..
the first move to get back on track is to realize that you aren’t all here…….which requires a constant assessment of what’s going on with me,…………..constant……………i still hold on to things i cannot control and rattle off complaints that serve no other purpose than to needle and cause confusion………………i am…
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