
Either you have accepted God’s love or you haven’t… how can you know? Acceptance of the full implications of His Love will allow you to love everyone…I didn’t say like everyone… but you can love them Accepting His Love will create an abundance in your life that is overflowing and replenishing..you will never run out…

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Empyrean Within…..Empyrean Without

That I may give a hint of the light within my soul…that others may see the effect my faith has upon me That source that stirs my heart to praise, May that light reside upon my face So that what I have come to know be much more than thoughts to sow but from my…

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100%. Nope

There is only one thing that is 100 % in life Death…. Yep that’s it. When you’re gone… your gone So what does that mean..well best to accept it and do the best you can. We can’t give or get 100% of anything, nothing To give it all would mean giving your life, you nor…

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The wounds that are hard to see

The wounds that are hardest to heal are the ones you cannot see Try our best to cover them but the bleeding comes out through our speech Caring friends struggle with thoughts that will stop the flow But sometimes those hidden wounds heal very, very slow And in the end that’s bittersweet and the pain…

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The man in the window

The man in the window doesn’t know me But I know him.. because I have been him He’s always there when I pass walking my dog He is a prisoner of bad decisions and misinformation that he never questioned The man in the window swims in the streams of alcohol that washed away the sameness…

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A lot to be said for this simple plant That thrives everywhere it goes Takes what is offered and makes a stand and soon it’s neighborhood grows It’s leaves color a palette of green and it’s accent stirs the soul And I am thankful for the presence of mind to appreciate the beauty it bestows…

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The River Knows

The River talks as it walks down the banks It recalls all the laughter and the tears shed by its shores Today it has a softness but I have seen it’s anger when the clouds made it speak in tongues that scar and take away homes that were painstakingly constructed..only to be consumed in a…

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You never had a script.. so there was nothing to follow Meandering that was your script You jumped in the River of Life without a life preserver and you have been treading water ever since Going wherever the current of your misconceptions pushed you You landed in an eddy and the water isn’t moving its…

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You…….shut up

Meaning me……. I think you’ve said enough About things you know little about It’s way past time and the damage is done Do yourself and everyone else a favor Please for your sanity and safety Shut….shut your mouth Ttucro

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