Don’t be afraid to fly

Your wings are old but they still work……and stopping to rest has its perks so try to keep the wind at your back keep focus on what’s in front of you…… the past is an illusion …….. don’t be afraid to fly ttucro

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The Destination…….

Moving…….rolling……packing…..going….but I was amazed to find that the destination I am searching for……is exactly where I stand be where you are…….. before you leave to where you want to go ttucro

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The role I was assigned wasn’t chosen by me The director arranged things as they thought they should be So I learned my lines but they never sounded right  because what I believe never matched the script so the play went on and to my surprise the reviews came in and they seemed to agree…

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Please stop throwing rocks at my bus

I am aware that personal experiences dramatically affect how we perceive the world and our spiritual beliefs…… my evidence directs me to beliefs that the God of my understanding has the best plan for me although many times it is not immediately discernible……. I respect others in their journey and just ask if you think…

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I’ll wave to you on my way…….to other places where they haven’t seen my play……and reject the reviews…….and present myself the way I am… honest man looking for keys to unlock the man I’d like to be…… looking for the better man who longs to be free…. of the bondage of self….. here’s my ticket…….🎟️

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Missed it…….

A gentle breeze passed me by……..I tried to make it stop and justify its reason…….it managed to go around and when it was gone…….I realized what I had been missing……….myself ttucro

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Captured Moments

We don’t capture moments……they capture us. in a good way or a negative way.  When we pass judgment on events in our lives……. We are suggesting we have all the information to determine where we file them …. We  don’t…… better to just let them be what they are things that happen ttucro

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Emotions run amuck can hit you like a runaway truck and the things you don’t say…….are the things people remember most……. Actions guided by dreams are dangerous things because we don’t live in dreamland…… but the fact that you didn’t react in an appropriate manner…….raises questions that leave you as the casualty……. ttucro

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