
When I was a child I drew the sun with a smile….. funny but to this day…..I still think of the sun that way interesting how things stick from long before you understand their meaning you knew they were important we remember kindness, consideration, trust, hope and love…..especially love How does a child draw pictures…

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Bouquet ………..

Never imagined it could be this way….. At this time in my life to be presented with a bouquet……no in the traditional sense you see but in the form of a person that has been presented to me did not come in the usual way because in a life like mine that would have been…

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Uncomfortable…….and growing ….4L

The things I treasure have changed as I age…..this isn’t a show…..there will be no parade but the value I place on a trusted word spoken from a familiar face ……lets me open my heart and share my thoughts …….that to me is an essential part of life walking these roads alone is challenging and…

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Humpty fell……..

Humpty fell and lived to tell of his precarious life on the wall….. from his vantage point he felt he had it all …….leaving the rest for me and you the problem you see was he needed you and me but he didn’t realize it at the time….. so as he went along he forgot…

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Let go ………

Humans are so funny…… they will hang on to a grenade if they have had it long enough…….or a box seat in hell if they have had the tickets for years…… do yourself a huge favor let go ttucro/collector of smiles

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Twofold…….mustard or mayonnaise?

There are two sides when we disagree……. One for you and one for me……. If we are to grow we don’t necessarily have to agree…… but is tantamount that I understand you and you understand me………. let’s agree on that………mustard or mayonnaise? ttucro/ collector of smiles

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Glad they hung with me……

Funny how my childhood tendencies to daydream have never left me…. Reprimanded for being lost in thought against what was being taught…… Occasionally I would be ask to share what I found so enchanting……and would tell them in great detail,  and then it was over……..the teacher has lost control and everyone was trying to make…

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Slow lets me see things that escaped me because my focus was always ahead….. countless wonders were unnoticed because I was driven by destination and didn’t appreciate the journey….. what changed…. Age ……..experience…….maturity so it is needless to suggest to others what I have learned…… they must arrive at this juncture at their own….pace and…

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Scuffed……but still walking

These old boots are just like me….. worn and weathered …… but still walking the look on an old friend’s face connects me a past that has left its marks….but has been left behind I don’t disguise it and I don’t regret its part in my development…….the chisel of life has smoothed out the rough…

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