Ravens Song

A raven landed by my window as it was open on this pretty day……. I took a seat nearby for it seemed it had a message to bring…… He turned his head and looked at me and began to chirp and sway……. the message I heard was garbled but it was clear enough for me:…

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Taxi for hope…….

Just a ride for a brother in need….trying to rebuild broken dreams…..I helped him along the best I could…….. God blessed me with a van…”the taxi for good”…… Not looking for rewards although they do come….. lending a hand occasionally everyone needs one so a simple act of kindness was a great start to this…

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I say a prayer

The roads you travel I am not aware …. But I need not worry……I say a prayer The people you meet and the tasks you take don’t give me a scare…..I say a prayer So the world changes and life has its ups and downs……but not to worry…… no need to frown I say a…

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No More Broken Hearts 💔

If I could be granted one wish                  I know what it would be For their to be no more broken hearts in this life For me……. No time to entertain the blame game and who was right or wrong…… just a sadness that I was part of…

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Collector of smiles…….#56.3

At first it may sound strange…….where would one store something not easily explained?…… but it wasn’t long that it occurred to me…… that certain faces made an impression on me….. So being selective….. I started to collect and the most memorable are easy to resurrect……. So as a courtesy….I would like to suggest wear your…

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No distance between……..

Not very often but occasionally it seems that two are connected…….and there is no distance between Miles vanish and the feeling is the same……a warm feeling……..and there is no distance between Separate and equal the goal is the same…… to continue to grow…….and there is no distance between…… Both have distinct lives and both have…

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In the middle I can see both sides…….. sometimes on the fringe is where people go to hide……. You have to admit no one is right all the time so somewhere in the middle is a good place to reside…. In the middle people don’t have to be loud…… haughty or proud……. They live and…

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I must admit when I see children pulling a balloon along on a string……. I hope one escapes……. Sounds disrespectful to the child…….but the kid in me…..that’s right in me wants to see it sky rocket into the clouds. Maybe it’s me but it seems that the balloon is fighting every inch of the walk,…

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Don’t leave me…….

Although you may be here physically…….don’t leave me….. Don’t leave me in the sense that over time the little things slowly fade away… the thoughtfulness……. the sharing……. the caring by the simple actions concern and appreciation…… when the joy we bring through flowers and gifts become expected…….. when we fail to acknowledge the love between…

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I bought two umbrellas one for me and one for you and we know it’s going to rain…. but we have things to do…… We stopped trying to change what we cannot control and realize it’s just another challenge to get to the goal…… A life not void of rain…….. someone to walk with you…

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