Invisible chains….

One might consider it a bit strange but often I am tethered with invisible chains And I am the person who has placed those chains when I am bound to impossible things Goals are an intricate part of the way we progress but they need to be for our best When we spend our energy…

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“ Even Socrates…….”

I was engaged in a 10’ ft deep conversation with a trusted advisor and I was dialed in. I kept noticing my mentor turned his head from side to side and had a puzzling look and a slight smile. Our conversation was in the pursuit of balance and humility an area at times I struggle…

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I have to admit at times I am better at communicating with my dog 🐕 than I am with people. We have been together for 19 years and he knows my different tones in my voice and the way I speak the words when I address him. I forget that others that don’t have that…

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Super glue

I suppose the “Super Glue” that’s holds us together is the experience of calamity weathered. “ I made it through that”… has probably been spoken by everyone at one time or another. How many “ daunting “ things have we initially viewed as insurmountable only to have the slowly dissipate over time. With rare exceptions…

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Humility…. a foreign language

I realize that for me to be the person I aspire to be …..I must investigate humility Seems it is greeted with respect no matter where I might step Others that I see that practice this language of humility are held in high regard More I see for not what they say….rather what they don’t…

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It’s all about space

I have a treatise to impart and it comes from living with an adventurous heart The internal space we create is filled with memories and thoughts we take and weave them into our minds That space is determined by the limits we place on what we can learn and what we embrace….. but a section…

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Sometimes the screen or paper can be filled with words…..and it might as well be blank. The transfer of thoughts to words is tricky at best….it is not a given that once you begin, you will end with something you will appreciate or keep. Sometimes it like scraping of the rust on something you intend…

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I am happy to admit at this point in my life “ incontinence” in my lower extremities hasn’t been a problem. However…. Much to my dismay “incontinence” of my mouth is another matter. So I haven’t found a “depends” for my mouth but perhaps that’s a market waiting to be tapped. Just saying…. Ttucro

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Roseate glasses…

I see nothing wrong with viewing the world through rose colored glasses….. I can influence the world around me to some degree but the circumstances are what they are. My attitude towards them in regards to acceptance and respect are the determining factors. I can’t make bad things good but I can make difficult things…

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Out of the cart and into your heart…

Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is akin to pushing a wheelbarrow full of tools but never using them. The goal is to take that knowledge out of the wheelbarrow and put it to use. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge is like collecting books without reading them. Ttucro

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