Socrates Cried

After addressing the assembly he walked in the Olive Grove and sat under a tree overlooking the valley below contemplating the wisdom acquired by listening to mentors and research He realized that only the surface of many things of interest had been explored His eyes weld up and tears streaming down his face, they were…

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Waiting for Columbus

If youā€™re waiting for Columbus to help you discover life you might as well find a comfortable seat and watch your life pass by no one is going to take you by the hand and promptly guide you to the ā€œPromise Land ā€œ so the last time I checked my watch the minutes are flying…

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Getting Over Me

Much as I would like to think I could beā€¦ā€¦everything to everybody I am limited to what I can do by time and space my ego wants to expand my sphere of influenceā€¦. My reality is my span of influence is about an arms length around me so instead of being the great ā€œI amā€…

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You donā€™t have to..

I have walked these streets alone despondentā€¦ directionā€¦.no home without a purpose and the willingness to go on Until a voice said ā€œyou donā€™t have toā€ so I prayed to the God I had made and He said ā€œ weā€™ll get to that later ā€œ I started taking advice and I came back to life…

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The Pastā€¦.not a lock, but a key

The past is a part of me but it no longer owns me because if I look closely it holds the key to the things that hinder me so no longer is it a foe, teaching me many lessons I need to know So making friends with my past gives my future a better chance…

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The Logic of the šŸŒ“

I see you like to exercise your authority over me but if you were quiet and listened to me, you would hear what I need so if you want me to be the best tree I can be stop trying to force me to grow like you want me to grow And let me go…

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Iā€™m riding this carousel and I see your riding one too wave to me as you pass by and Iā€™ll wave back at you Sometimes it seems to move very fast and sometimes painfully slow But I take it in stride and enjoy the ride itā€™s the only carousel I know Sometimes it stops and…

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