Smoke Signals

It is incumbent that I am aware that I send messages by what I do and what I don’t do I tried to fool myself that if my mouth didn’t abuse others that I was doing well ……  but what was my demeanor saying……. My facial expressions and my body language? My attitude is palpable…

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The Gate

The Gate in its proper state allows entrance and prohibits escape but I am Master of my pen and I decide what to exclude and what to let in Much teaching has afforded me discretion of what is good and what is bad for me so as you stand by the gate please be apprised…

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The Distance….. in my head

Occasionally I dread….. the distance in my head when everything and everyone seem far away…. nothing has moved and I accept that it’s me driving……..the distance in my head ——————————————————————————- at one point before I got honest with myself….I attributed it to others and their behavior towards me…….which was an easy out, but caused more…

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Before I go…..

 “ before I go I want to know what I can take and what I can leave behind” I plied this question to the wind snd the answer came in a soft refrain “the good you set in motion carries on and on… the good you set in motion carries on” “that is all you…

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Knowledge is power……if you use it

The acquisition of knowledge is esteemed and admirable… Far more important and valuable is your ability to implement and use that information knowledge lacking wisdom is akin to a stack of books on a donkeys ass…… it’s moving but what good does it do   It’s not about quantity or degrees it’s about using ttucro

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My Auspice……the 🐦‍⬛ Ravens

I cannot say why it is this way i suppose I may never know, but when my “Spirit” wants to reach me the Ravens are sure to come sometimes there is one and sometimes many more all depends on where I am and the message I’m to hear so when I see the Ravens 🐦‍⬛…

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Right or Wrong…….consequences

Either way……right or wrong there are consequences for my actions often I don’t consider the consequences of doing the “right” thing as my reasoning directs me but there are effects are a result of my decisions it isn’t enough to try to be considerate of everyone and everything involved It is like “good intentions”…….they are…

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U turns accepted here….

Sometimes the hardest thing is being honest with yourself When you have acted in fear and haste and don’t feel good about the result the unenlightened shrug and relentlessly plod on the person who is trying to “become” better, more useful and more productive has the courage to be honest enough to say “ I…

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Fallen into place

The pieces that never seemed to fit…… have fallen into place I hung onto them being the Eternal Optimist thinking they would find a home someday Funny, but when I stopped searching and resigned myself to wait I realized the pieces that “never fit” …… had fallen into place it won’t happen until……’s time fallen…

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Mental tune up

Just like everything my mind gets bent out of shape from trying to sort things I find on my plate I want to fix them and jump right in….. but I don’t have enough information….so I’m not ready to begin the hardest part of any test is doing the homework that relates to it so…

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