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Invest……in me
Invest in me and you will see the dividends as they grow not seeking physical things because they come and go but I ask for your care and time for these are the investments that help me learn and grow Invest in me Ttucro
Read MoreIn the Flow
It isn’t an illusion or a trivial pursuit there is a place where you are in sync with the rhythms of your life…….or you are out of step it is in the “flow” when you experience the sensation of almost effortlessly gliding through life you will compare those times as a standard for everything else…
Read MoreJust talking……..43.3
Why?………do these lessons take so long to learn because I am oblivious to all the directions I receive until now I am not owned nor wish to own what is given is given from good intentions or not given at all the more I uncluttered my life the happier I became objects you carry have…
Read MoreSharing the Caring
If my focus is entirely on you won’t take long before I’m confused because I can easily get lost in you and you can get lost in me so we are both far along enough to see that if we are to succeed We must let the world see what our relationship Has done for…
Read MoreCocoon
That little space in my camper van 🚐 is a place for exile and retreat nothing fancy minimal at best with just enough without unnecessary distractions many would question how one could find such comfort in such a box but the thing I cherish most is the absence of sound it is amazingly quiet and…
Read MoreApothecary
We could be smart if we went about this the right way we could dispense what the other needs you know give it away pretty sure what we would get in return Is a healthy relationship where we both help each other as we grow and learn Apothecary Ttucro
Read MoreSelf Analysis…….careful with that 🪓 axe
If I dare to be honest with myself as I go along I find I grow in stages Forward…..placing land mines in my path then trying to remember where I planted them with mixed results…… why my clothes often smell like smoke I am a young man in an old man’s body….. humbling …. But…
Read MorePrayer for the Weary
I cannot fathom why my eyes are tired but my heart wants to fly these wings aren’t new but they have survived Taking me from valleys to mountains and rainbows in the sky i know this is a season but I long for it to pass to return to the days of vigor, laughter and…
Read MoreCompendious……is my goal
To say what I mean….. to mean what I say…… and to not say it in a mean way to be concise and clear…. To transmit and receive because what others think and say is important to me because it shows respect If I want respect It is imperative that I give it the thoughtful…
Read MoreSpiritual Fast Track
My personal experience In my quest to have a”spiritual awakening” is getting on the “fast track” of that process by the care and consideration of others Love opens the door to “spiritual enlightenment” Ttucro
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