You donā€™t have to..

I have walked these streets alone despondentā€¦ directionā€¦.no home without a purpose and the willingness to go on Until a voice said ā€œyou donā€™t have toā€ so I prayed to the God I had made and He said ā€œ weā€™ll get to that later ā€œ I started taking advice and I came back to life…

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The Pastā€¦.not a lock, but a key

The past is a part of me but it no longer owns me because if I look closely it holds the key to the things that hinder me so no longer is it a foe, teaching me many lessons I need to know So making friends with my past gives my future a better chance…

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The Logic of the šŸŒ“

I see you like to exercise your authority over me but if you were quiet and listened to me, you would hear what I need so if you want me to be the best tree I can be stop trying to force me to grow like you want me to grow And let me go…

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Iā€™m riding this carousel and I see your riding one too wave to me as you pass by and Iā€™ll wave back at you Sometimes it seems to move very fast and sometimes painfully slow But I take it in stride and enjoy the ride itā€™s the only carousel I know Sometimes it stops and…

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The Disease of Time

Take care of yourself and do the best you can to keep the motor tuned and the filters clean we all are dealing with the disease of time it doesnā€™t care who you, what you k know or what you do how much you own or what youā€™ve been through itā€™s got your number and…

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The Upper Room

The Upper Room in my head has been remodeled and cleaned I am sure there are spots that will require extra time to remove the stains that remainā€¦..some will never completely disappearā€¦..and I am working to make peace with them the old furnishings were worn and frayed and soiled with the impertinence of self deception…

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Makes a differenceā€¦..

Makes Makes a difference what you say and how you say makes a difference what you do and how you do it makes a difference how you live and how you do it Makes a difference about your attitude and how you show it Makes a difference about your gratitude it determines everything else ttucro…

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Today is enough

Tomorrow has nothing to offer me because it isnā€™t here For all I know it may not exist for me, it may not even show so I think itā€™s best for me to focus on today and do with it the best I can before it slips away when my thoughts wander outside of the…

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