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Why I Love God
Sometimes I question if my friends have my back I never question if God has it sometimes my world 🌎 comes unraveled God rolls up the yarn 🧶 when I feel a sense of loneliness my Spirit reminds me I’m never alone. when it is all said and done I love God because He…
Read MoreFair Trade Agreement
Most of us would agree that what pleases you doesn’t always please me so somewhere in the middle is a good place to start all relationships are a series of gives and takes Best not to offer what you wouldn’t accept consideration is the key ….. I’m looking out for you trust you are looking…
Read MoreIt turns out…..
In the middle of a storm when we have moments of doubt somehow or another it always turns out most of the time in ways we didn’t see A door opens up and we didn’t need a key so I don’t let life live me I have situations placed in front of me i reflect…
Read MoreSuppose
Suppose the world 🌎 was flat how close would you get to the edge what if you could fly how high would you go if your dreams would come true…. would you be afraid to live them if you could live forever would you get tire of living suppose tomorrow was your last day would…
Read MoreNothing…… doesn’t exist
Show me a space ………….. show a place where there is nothing . something is there Even if it’s just air because nothing doesn’t exist when my world gets frayed or…
Read MorePraxis…….the practice of principles
We can talk a good game but what does it mean if our actions don’t match what we say talk is cheap nothing is reaped when words that we speak Are mere wind in the trees All the knowledge in the universe amounts to little if I am not earnestly attempting to use it….. Praxis…
Read MoreAdapted…….”cake tester”
The job I am most perfectly suited for: professional “cake tester” but I couldn’t find a job that would tolerate my work schedule and habits either I would come upon a group that I hated and wouldn’t evaluate them or a group that seduced me into gorging myself and was lackluster for the rest of…
Read MoreAuthor
Everyday I write the book the people I interact with and how I choose to let them influence, control …… or dismiss them with kindness it is my story and I get to determine what avenues it follows there is a great deal of difference between living life and life living you there is a…
Read MoreAudit
Not feeling jubilant about a few things in front of me So before I plunge into the rabbit hole I best be cognizant of the good things that are present my sobriety my faith loved and respected contributing to others good health knowing where to go and what to do when I am ruffled…
Read MoreThe last car 🚗 in the Parade
I opted for the last car I like bringing up the rear…….. To see the results that the marching bands, the majorette’s and the animals and how they have for a few hours taken thousands of people on a magic carpet ride to the “land of happy endings.” I’m driving the “candy wagon” and “…
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