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You did it again…
Jumping out of the plane is difficult to explain because you have been through this process before hard when you land…….and you have to determine where you are…… with the same mind that said it was a good idea to jump out in the first place hoping for a moment of clarity you sit by…
Read MoreThe World of “things”
The World 🌎 of things has lost its bling everything gets old and grey……like me time gives us a choice….. to wear its marks with dignity and respect….. because we earned them or to be endlessly consumed with taking them away fighting time is like a man urinating in the wind it can change direction…
Read MoreDon’t make a thing……….a thing
When it looks like something you would rather forget……..your hands are shaking and you just what to quip let me explain…” don’t make a thing…….a thing save the worry for things you can’t change, no matter what you do nothing don’t change so you just accept and move on catch the next bus hope is…
Read MoreReality doesn’t care…….
Reality doesn’t care if it’s not your preference Will make no effort to accommodate you Will never ask for forgiveness Isn’t offended when you protest or hurl profanities Has no intention of starting over Reality and “ like” know each other but they don’t talk much And the thing most disconcerting about it…… it never…
Read MoreLean In….
If you are interested in learning lean in Act as if you are interested before we begin show some enthusiasm for your life is a gift If you want me to hang around show me ——————————————— lean in ttucro
Read MoreApostrophe
Life is full of apostrophes and that’s a very good thing for me because they make me pause and help me to see there is much to learn from an apostrophe Gives me a chance if I am willing to look at things missing and things I want to put in my book So in…
Read MoreThe River in Me
You can’t see it but it flows sometimes it rages and sometimes it’s calm but it brings me things and it takes things away The River in me makes its own way I realized the River inside when something in me was born …….and something died it brings me laughter and it brings me tears…
Read MorePriceless Art
The discerning eye has learned to recognize “priceless art” In unusual and unexpected circumstances the beautiful thing about art is that it is appreciated individually some see and some don’t in different situations I enjoy in discussion the impression that others have on things I may have missed or undervalued An intrinsic part of learning…
Read MoreLess is best
Less of me is better for all that come in contact with me less talk…… more listening less judgment…..and more service less thinking……. More doing less of my agenda…….and more flexibility less time focusing on what I don’t have and more time being appreciative for what I do have ——————- knowledge is like snow…….it accumulates…
Read MorePatience always wins
If patience always wins maybe that’s why I’m losing things I think rightfully belong to me areslipping from my grasp I have no interest in extortion or deception my ability to sit and wait is leeching as the days of contention drag on so if patience always wins …..I have to find the courage to…
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