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This most important skills in life Are only learned by living and one that gets my attention at this moment is the skill of finding amusement in every day living I find it amusing how something can be outrageous to me and everyday life to someone else all predicated by our environment and experiences I…
Read MoreReify……coming together
Things seemed fragmented I suppose most of that is because of me my life had been in the valley and now I see the top of the hill Life is never like you thought it be and that’s probably a good thing if it was always what we expected it would be boring but there…
Read MoreRubber bands
Old man by the side of the road suitcase in his hand…….money in his shoes and a pocket full of rubber bands sits underneath a willow tree and puts a band on his hand thinks about life and the things he can’t understand open up his fingers and feels the pull and release summons up…
Read MoreBinoculars and Crystal Balls
Perhaps if I had binoculars or a crystal ball 🔮 I could see into the future and avoid snares and pitfalls but….that isn’t going to happen so my best bet is to focus on today and leave tomorrow in its place……tomorrow not sure knowing the future would be that beneficial anyway my life would be…
Read MoreOften……
What do I often should require an appraisal often to make sure that what I am doing often is worth doing often because often I am often distracted And often have to remind myself often ttucro
Read MorePost It Notes
I use a lot of post it notes to remember and remind me of the requirements of the day I try my best to follow them but I often go astray seems like life has a way of hypnotizing me when something or someone catches my eye the notes get lost in the shuffle out…
Read MoreWhat you can live with
We don’t necessarily think about the lingering effects of our behavior when we are young but as we go along those moments are useful if we remember the angst of their reliving because our conscience is determined to save them so it comes down to how much you want to suffer when reflection meets reality…
Read MoreThe Same thing……. But different meanings
It has occurred to me that the same thing upon it’s interpreting it can offer several meanings the same “word” given a different inflection can be received in many ways when I persist in my assessment without pausing to entertain a different version or impression I miss the opportunity to learn I may not change…
Read MoreGod is my Pleach
God is my pleach He covers me as I travel through this world 🌎 I am aware He watches and directs me away from snares it is a great comfort to me to always know He’s there watching and protecting me from myself the One I fear the most. ttucro
Read MoreI’m right here….
Seems almost preposterous to say But I am here……..where I am today not thinking about yesterday or what tomorrow holds the past is gone and I only revisit when there is similarities to a current situation…….my reference tomorrow is greatly influenced by my actions today so my best hope for tomorrow is to be present…
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