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Something I’ll keep working on…
I’m determined to do my best to refrain from finishing the test I’m not that fond of what they suggest This crap about Growing Up l look around and around and around I do a fair amount of looking most aren’t having a lot of fun of course looks can be deceiving but…… when I…
Read MoreThe not so great…….debate
As I sit in your chair 🪑…..I become aware the picture over your couch isn’t straight do I bring it to your attention……do I need to shift my focus on our conversation? I would offer the picture is none of my business and it is your place to position it as you see fit…..and the…
Read MoreUnfolding………
I think me likes the feel as I reflect on life today of my description of this time…….perhaps life is best lived this way I gravitate to a word that describes the way it feels not to push ……..not to pull…….. but letting life arrive…… in all its many facets…….up and down its hills to…
Read MoreConfession…… Laundromat of the Soul
Seems to me that talking about my past Is meant for people who have been through similar experiences otherwise people don’t understand and they judge that’s pretty normal……… the reprieve comes that after all ……..whatever people think of me is none of my business kinda strange the people you thought would understand…..don’t so what do…
Read MoreNot finished crying ….
Oh Yellow Moon don’t leave so soon 🔜 I haven’t finished crying when the morning light breaks through the night I want this sorrow to be over yesterdays tears have no place here the world keeps turning and it won’t stop I cannot control time or the clock so I will push on I cannot…
Read MoreConfession
Humble yourself…….or God will do it for you Like is a dangerous word… can sometimes keep us from doing the right thing…..if… we let it doing the right thing can often be confused with feeling good…… they sometimes coincide but not always when we ignore what we know to be true….we are lying…… ourselves and…
Read MoreJust the way it is…..
Comes a time when you are faced with accepting that time has passed and some of the things you use to do ……. You can’t do anymore……. Or perhaps not well I don’t know if Women handle it better or different than men……. But it is both humbling and freeing A wise person will refrain…
Read MoreHas to be more than that….
Has to be more than that because outward beauty will fade away and when I am old and tired I need someone who will stay someone who understands me and I feel the same about them we will love in deeper ways ……much deeper than our skin so I will enjoy your beauty both please…
Read MoreFiguratively speaking 🦁
If you could bottle good will would you spend some time and do it? Give it away and help someone’s day be a little better we all could you a dose of kindness from time to time Everyone tells me how good it feels to do something for someone anonymously so why don’t we do…
Read MoreTripping over minutiae
Sorry to say sometimes things slip away before we catch them everyone suffers from thin skin from time to time, part of the human condition so we find ourselves bent out of shape and stumbling over minutiae so in reflection we shrug our shoulders offer apologies and move on realizing it happens but it doesn’t…
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