It evens out…..

There are times when we doubt…… but eventually it all evens out the mountain you climb offers a chance to kiss the sky but you have to come down that’s part of the price we pay for everything in life often we feel the cost is too high there are no bargains only things that…

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Inverterate to prayer

Safe to say I will never change coming to the Lord in prayer the peace of knowing my petitions are heard and dealt with in the best manner for all concerned is comforting to have such access to the Guardian and Maker of the Universe is an opportunity not to be missed Why would you?…

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Much of life is to be witnessed and not shared nor participated in To be permeable and to let objectionable things pass and not embraced we make decisions to engage or to Let them pass Permeable Ttucro

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The Space Between

It is a safe place for me……in the inseam the space between Sometimes the flow is slowed and debris blocks the way I often get overwhelmed when things stack up Doing without thinking and undoing after thinking, wasting precious time so the space between gives me an opportunity to pause and far from inaction it’s…

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It is an unnerving experience to realize one’s inadequacies it is far worse to ignore what they reveal the age old adage “ I should know better”……is an observation …… not a correction I am a tyro at relationships…….. and there are many reasons for this shortcoming…….. however reasons are attempts at justification……..and that doesn’t…

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Let it pass……..

The Parade of Life is always passing by Marching Bands and Clowns you recognize Twirling batons and Elephant Crap and the “Queen of the Parade” in the back of an old Cadillac Memories as a kid when you sat in Mom’s lap and someone smoking a cigar right in front of you Hot dogs and…

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We flip the switch

Occasionally you come to a place Man you just want to quit but you muscle up the strength and you flip the switch nothing you tried was working and you’ve exhausted Your wits You surrender your efforts and you flip the switch In essence what you’re doing is your giving in to let the source…

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When “Me” isn’t in Control

When I get “me” to step aside and let others lead often I am introduced to thoughts I had not conceived “me” has a tendency to assume I know the deal when in fact to keep it “real” I often interject fears I would be better to forget So “ Me” can get in the…

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Dog Psychology……..

It has occurred to me that I would benefit and my associates would benefit……. If I treated them as well as my 🐶 I cherish my dog I clean up after him I forgive him for his mistakes I give him treats and show him affection I take time to figure out what’s going on…

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Lyceum……..a place of learning

The World 🌎 offers many things opportunities to learn practice what we come to know pass that knowledge on the help we get along the way must not only be stored but shared For helping others in the End Is precisely why We  are  here Ttucro

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