The Positive in the Negative

Grateful for adversity A New perspective it gives to me allowing me to see the positive in negativity for lessons to be learned   often they are preceded by an awkward turn but if we muddle through and anticipate that something new will come to light 💡 that attitude will produce “soul food” that turns…

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This comma, designates a pause, a space between so we take this time to separate the past from present with no intention of dismissing the previous we choose to focus on the present Living in the present focusing on what is before me Is a better plan for me It allows me to live in…

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My Favorite Meal

It is my fortune to experience and enjoy fine cuisine The array of colors and tastes are enhanced with correct amounts of seasoning and spices but regardless of the ethnicity or venue….. my favorite meal is always seated across from you Bon appetit ttucro

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Just to keep you in the loop thought it appropriate to give you the latest scoop you have been adopted I have always been open to a larger family You made the decision easy my life is measurably better because you’re In it there are no papers to sign and you don’t have to change…

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The Mathematics of Life

Life is a series….. Of additions and subtractions what to keep and expand on what to dismiss as non productive the mathematics of life are only as effective as our willingness to be rigorously honest with ourselves Life is a series of additions and subtractions If you aren’t happy with your life….. check your math…

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Father’s Day

I’m fairly sure most Fathers would say I should have found better ways to teach without preaching I suppose most of us could agree on that but I am blessed to be part of your life As you are a special part of mine Now you are a Father you will question many of your…

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The truth of the matter is that I am under a refurbishing …… or being reconditioned it became apparent to me that many things internally needed updating minus unnecessary phobias and fears that were inhibiting my growth So pardon the mess  but this person is way overdue for Reconditioning TTucro

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It begins in my mind

My life is motivated by the thoughts in my mind Of course many aren’t in alignment with the path I wish to follow I dismiss them as folly I must constantly monitor my thoughts And resist judging them Focusing on what will bring me closer To freedom from myself It begins in my mind Ttucro

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