nothing vs. empty

i do believe i could sit on a bench with nothing in my hands…………….just the clothes on my back and a pair of glasses with a broken rim and feel the presence of my God and the Love He has for me……….and i would be okay, i know He would take care of me….. to…

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when you’ve had enuf

when u have have enuf…………the help u need is near………………….when all remedies u have tried…………….disappear in the air………..when pride has worn u out and worn ur patience thin………………the answer that u need ………. ask God to come in……….. if u only knew how many have scoffed………until they tried it

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treasure chest

most of us are searching for this or that, what we think we want or need to get………………while walking by the ”treasure chest”…………………….God knows what we need and is happy to assist……………..but we refuse to use the key to open it……………….that key is the acknowledgment that He loves us and He exists………………….but many won’t humble…

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to be clear

i write this clog to get in the way……… be a speed bump and encourage others to slow down enough to feel the presence of God…………..forget debating………….i won’t go there……………waste of my time………..if you can look around at the wonder of nature and conceive that it just happened…………you are dead spiritually…………that’s something you will have…

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i think of you/for dwatt

when life regurgitates pieces of the past that stir things up and remind me, the past is behind me, but it isn’t gone……… still rears it ugly head and i have to accept that i am the one and only one responsible for it’s content……which basically centers around chaos and deception………………..something i try to avoid…

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always there

you can’t live there, you may visit every now and then…………… can try and cover it but the light finds it’s way in………………….it may not be riding on your back but it will jab you every now and then…………..that old hitch-hiker…………the past………………sometimes a distant voice………….and sometimes a roaring lion……………..always there

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sense of purpose

i have seen a coward, turn into a warrior……….a thief transformed into an elder statesman………a drunkard, addict with the least concern for taking responsibility for the course of His life do a complete 360 and help many others find their way to sobriety……………and i am talking about me……. to find that guiding light that illuminates…

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God never hides

i believe God is everywhere and everything……..God is to big to hide………….a mountain wouldn’t conceal him………….God doesn’t hide………….He does His work silently……in our hearts

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hip is……………………..hip is not like everyone else………hip is new…………and by the time people jump on the bandwagon…….it’s not hip…’s a trend…………………trends cannot be hip…………..they denote that the lemmings have fallen inline to join the masses………..the masses are never hip……….they are followers…… the only hip thing i have found that never stops being hip………….is faith……………….not your…

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pick the right One

you don’t have to like things in life…………….but you better accept them if they are true……….you are going to serve somebody or something………… can rear up like a wild stallion in protest………..but you will be broken and i have the scars to prove it and if you continue fighting………you will too……. so after life has…

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