can’t outlive your past

everyone has issues and we stumble as we grow…….. our missteps may be stepping stones….but they do not go away……… when you least expect it and you are skipping down the path………… the past will drop from the sky, like a hawk on the attack……………………… you had almost forgotten and it was such a long…

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older and wiser

it would be hard to accept getting advanced in years , the current popular term for aging.……if i wasn’t learning and discovering more about myself and life……………………that is the price for living ……exchanging time for knowledge…….or not………………either way time is passing……one can spend it in search of wisdom or in constant struggle against the fact…

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Gods’ experiment

when He stirred us up and spit us out………He already knew how this would turn out…………some would ignore the invitation to grow…………….some would pretend, but not really know and a few would would keep looking though their journey was hard and slow…………but as they struggled their faith continued to grow……………………. some where so happy with…

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why wait

i do believe in heaven and can only imagine how it will be……………the price of admission has already been paid for me……………..but my faith and discernment has led me to believe many of heaven’s blessings are available…….now……to me……. i believe the scenery would be hard to recreate………but a mind set on the Father……..sees things in…

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hiding behind your faith/for mitt

from my point of view i wouldn’t think much of a faith that kept me from things………..rather would let me move freely through any situation or circumstance and not take the bait…………….neither to condemn nor compare…….but to choose another path and direction more in line with my beliefs………….. my faith doesn’t keep me away from…

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nothing like proof….now if i could remember

nothing like proof to stop the wringing of hands, shaking of knees and the night sweats………and there is lot’s of it my problem, well one of them, is recalling and embracing them…………..i have a built in forgeter but i guess that’s a good thing……………….because it brings me back to the source………….of my strength and defender……my…

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thank God/ i didn’t get what i wanted

from where i stand it’s impossible for me to see what’s down the road awaiting me………so quite often i summarize and project and ask for things that i think will protect me from things that never happen…….. so thank God my remedies are set aside and i get what i need, not only to survive…….but…

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Ace in the hole

one thing……………… big thing………………..that has never failed me…………….God………………my Ace in the hole…….. all the avenues are closed as far as i can see…….the walls are closing in and the world seems to be coming after me………throw my hands up and hit my knees……………God makes a way………….. the comfort and confidence God affords me…….i am never…

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it won’t happen until you are ready/for P. and Stacy

G could drop a dump-truck full of gold at your door or rig the lottery for you…………….but until you are ready……… giving a toothbrush to a cat………….wouldn’t know what to do with it…..the blessings aren’t contingent on God……they depend on you……….. G wants to shower the faithful with resources to do his work……………we are blessed…

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saints don’t choose their scenery

saints don’t choose their scenery…………they go where they are led…………….interesting that some of the most beautiful people i have encountered are in some of the direst circumstances……..doing what they were called to do………….help others………..workers in shelters…………..lay people in missions……….treatment centers……………youth clubs………………animal shelters………….. the beauty of a soul is exposed in the love and kindness shown…

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