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The Bird With the Broken Wing
The little bird broke its wing falling from the nest His brother and sister with the aid of the Robin family lifted him to the nest as they supported him between two twigs that each of them held in their mouth. It was quite the undertaking. Mother was beside herself…….she was tired raising the brood…
Read MoreThe Fine Art…..of listening
I would venture to say that most people hear half of a conversation……. The other half is lost in one being preoccupied or distracted…….. a look away totally disrupts a conversation……. the learning curve……in my case a circle, ⭕️ could have been shortened immensely by simply being a better listener…….. if you know a good…
Read MoreJust Barely…
Amusing at first …..watching an addict dance with a telephone pole and shoot at imaginary flying objects is amusing but until you realize he’s out of his mind …. Just a few feet away from traffic…. just missed that experience……just barely the woman in the medium, her name is Betsy…..she’s an anything addict Anything….. gasoline….glue……alcohol….dope…
Read MoreHmmmm…..#780
Have you ever noticed……… nice people attract nice people Hmmmmm O
Read MoreNirvana
It is attainable……. It is neither lofty nor illusive it requires two things acceptance appreciation things are as they should be I am blessed more than I am capable of comprehending therein lies Nirvana Ttucro
Read MoreI’ll take Love ❤️
There are no things as valuable as Love…… Time is close but it really is meaningless without love Beautiful bodies age……money can buy nice things but a far cry from love so I’ll smile at your beauty……..I will acknowledge your wealth But I would always prefer being short on funds….. Rather than short on love…
Read MoreEnchiridion …….essential
I am grateful I’m not alone in the belief that there are real benefits and results from prayer A power much greater than myself not only exists but is more than willing to give me the opportunity to know and rely on that power I find it interesting that life gives and takes and most…
Read MoreOh…………
O no self control No self emotions can be beautiful. Can be Destructive You will find what you…
Read MoreAshamed……
No one is immune from bad behavior but I am encouraged when my subconscious extols me to stop doing things or actions that aren’t congruent With the conduct befitting the path I have chosen I wander and I am prone to initially justify by excusing those experiences as harmless to think one can participate in…
Read MoreN.O.P.E. ……not open to the public…..ever
There are something’s according to me…..that should require a few steps before I can see when you give away the farm before I come the door it lessens my desire to continue to explore so yes being honest I enjoy your attributes but I’m not interested in hunting on land that’s open to the public…
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