The things we give awayā€¦..

They alway return many times in different forms but a portion of those moments return the hands that are reluctant and give haltingly may as well toss them to the windā€¦.. they are gone but the hands that push them to their new homes with new owners have set the wheel of good intentions and…

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Skirr šŸ’­ thoughts

New cities alway send my thoughts into a skirr Scattered and whirling in rapid cessation like someone turning flip cards. Takes a day or so to acclimate to new sights, new people and new experiences I have been overwhelmed in the past in similar situations but I consciously stifle my thoughts and focus on my…

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Hot Sauce

I think the ā€œhot sauceā€ in life is passion to be passionate about lifeā€¦. friends and partners thatā€™s ā€œhot sauceā€ and itā€™s spices things up yes you can put to much and burn yourself everyone has to find the right amount that works for themā€¦ā€¦.. but you can definitely tell who used it ttucro

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Re awakening ā€¦ā€¦.. daily routine

Sometimes I find myself in a spin taking the world to seriously There are many things I find disconcerting Then the matter goes into the ā€œWhat can you do about it fileā€ I do what I can and what I canā€™t I accept that frees me from the illusion that Iā€™m in control Re awakening…

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Leaving the scene of an accident

I decided to leave the scene of this accident and start to heal and start over the ā€œkingā€ of starting over would suggest Iā€™m afraid to weather the storms in a relationship that isnā€™t trueā€¦ā€¦.. Iā€™ll go through a few floods, A hurricane or twoā€¦..and even an ā€œiceā€ storm but out of self respect and…

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a smaller filing cabinet

I realize the importance of accepting, and implementing the knowledge we garner from our experiences but I donā€™t need to label, determine suitable categories and file every thing that happens in my life keep the big stuff close, learn from the little stuff and forget about filing it just live the best you can  …

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Nobody told meā€¦ā€¦

Nobody told me when I was young that things would happen that make no sense Ā Nobody told me that people I loved would become people I donā€™t recognize nobody told me that life would turn me and mold me into a better person and it wasnā€™t always going to be a process I would enjoy…

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I paint a picture in my mind when you are far away I try to imagine colors that are muted because I know you appreciate a softer palette then the fireworks I am drawn to we both know how different we are I think the connection is appreciation for what we arenā€™t and considering a…

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I Heard youā€¦ā€¦..4c

I heard you but I canā€™t see you you words bring more confusion than clarity And the more you say the faster you fade away you are disappearing I tried to hang on but the commercials got to long and you wouldnā€™t change the channel your subscription ran out and I couldnā€™t bring myself to…

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I intend to protect the years I have spent trying to breathe under water they are my best gage when to turn the page and start over these are taxing events but I refuse to settle for less than fulfilling so again I clear the path to the direction I wish to head in what…

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