connect the dots…………………………life

i now take my time and connect the dots…………………………….i pause when i approach another spot……………i look at where i have been………………….and stop…………………to appreciate the journey…………………………. it isn’t about the destiny………………’s about what life has given and taken from me…………..that exchange has allowed me to see………………………the dots were placed there long ago……… if someone knew where…

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we speak of ”truth” as such a valuable commodity……………….when in reality few of us want anything to do with it……………….only as much as necessary to get by…………..piecemeal in small bites, easy to swallow……………………………………………………………………………………………… when you meet or get to know a person and they can handle the truth………………..[ most of us think we are that…

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if only you knew

if only you knew the many trials God has pulled me through,…………….you wouldn’t roll your eyes when i say He wants to be your friend…………………………………..if only you knew how close i was to shutting the door to reality and walking into the abyss………….in utter dispair…………only to be snatched from the jaws of death that had…

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you say you believe He created the mountains, forests and the sea……………..yet you have such doubt that He would help you and me………………….no, we don’t desereve it but He sent His Son to set us free……………………..why do you waste time praying……………if you think it could ever be…………….. i have the good fortune of going through…

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i have the oars

God is at rudder and He steers the boat, but i have the oars and i have to row……….. He will suggest which way we should go and how fast we get there depends on how i row…… now i’m not always enthusiastic on the routes He takes………….rapids and currents that make the boat swerve…

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i keep a rainbow in my pocket and take it everywhere i go…………..never know when you might need a reminder…………………….there’s a silver lining in every cloud………… i take it out and look at it when things seem out of place……..and i am reminded ‘thus too shall pass’……….and get back in the race……. i travel at…

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until one spends the time understanding their mind……………’s hard to interact with someone else………………………………………………………………………………………….until we know what makes us tick…………….what makes us trip……………………we are fishing with no bait on our line…………………………. imagine opening a book and it is written in a language we aren’t familiar with………no different then trying to function ina world with a…

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any given day

on any given day…..i can get in the way………….blocking the light i strive to see…. catch myself in doubt, which fear is all about…….but i can dig it up before it takes root…………………. i can put fear in it’s place…………a seat near the light………………..squirming away in God’s Rays……… starts to shrink and fade………………. the challenging…

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a slower walk

a slower walk to my surprise……………doesn’t make me miss anything… allows me to enjoy more………………saves me an enormous amount of time….. less corrections……………less back tracking……feet are more rested………..and my thinking is clearer…… gives me time to listen an give others the focus they deserve………..the gift of attention………..leading to compassion…………… i have recognized……………….peace

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You Came……..but I had to ask

You came to me but i had to ask, as You respected my soveriegn space………….that tiny room inside myself ,that shelf that holds my fate….. You would not threaten nor challenge me to open those vaults and doors……….until i was ready to meet You…… on Your terms and let You be in Charge…… i resisted…

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