a place i know/a place to go

there is a place i know……………where i often go to commune with the God of all………….He meets me near the trees and often walks with me and asks ‘how life goes in this world’………..after a bit i respond in words He has heard many times before………’i seem to do fine as long as i keep…

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the shortcomings of words

words can infer…………….but they cannot hold……………….they cannot touch………….they cannot feel………………..only describe……………………..words can inspire but they cannot do………..hands do……………feet do……………….mouths repeat words that have been taught to represent…………………..give me a word that adequately describes horror…………….no words could convey only guttural sounds that cannot be formed or controlled………….that leap forth as shrapnel mangling where they pass……………………………….words hints…

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a different tone

i came back to You………….hopeful and enthused…………………the tone of the thoughts in my head were mangled and confused…………………..but i knew of others who had faced the same plight as mine………………….what they shared had me convinced…………..the problem wasn’t You it was mine……………………….. so i did what was suggested…………………..humbled myself and prayeded…………………wait confidently to be re-connected and…

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to see what i would do

You set me in this world…………….gave me my ‘free will’…………………to see what i would do with it……………until You had your fill……………………….. watched me repeat the same mistakes over and over again and saved me from myself…………gave me a chance to start again……………….. my way never worked so i thought i would give Your Way a…

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this thing i cannot live without

this thing i cannot live without………………warms my soul and leaves no doubt…………..You sought me out and let me see the best You have, is offered to me……………… i was given the choice to make…………….to turn my life and will over to you………….by doing so what i have received is a life that henceforth was not…

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it’s there……………….if you want it

it’s there if you want it……………..the ”gold” you seek…………….in encouragement and direction from God who seeks……………………………..to walk with you along the paths and the streets as you make your way towards Him…………. because you see the reality is we were made to commune with Him………….and all other things we must keep them away from diverting…

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one inch closer

i would like to think that each time i tame my emotions and do what is mature and best for everyone……………i move ‘one inch’ closer to God………………doesn’t sound like much………….but i am faced with these opportunities everyday………….many times a day……………… over the course of a lifetime those inches add up………………just one inch closer but at…

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the cure for lonliness

i once was often lonely though throngs of people were around………………….i had a hard time communicating and i felt like i was in a foriegn land……………..then when it seemed all humans failed me………………i returned to God and found……………..the love that never waivers………..no matter what is going down………………. funny but i seem to get along with…

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not sure which way to go or the appropriate words to say……………..struggling with decisions that have to be made………………………………….that is the time to step aside and in silence speak………..”is this in agreement with Your Will………………..i want to do it Your Way”………….. with confidence go about your day the answers will appear………………perhaps in a way you…

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none of my business

you didn’t turn out like i thought you would …………………….i had these notions you would be a certain way and do certain things…………………………and i suppose i forgot that behind all your intelligence………..was an issue that had you trapped………………….. i just wanted the best for you………….but that was through my eyes…………….and i only have bits and…

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