Morning squib…..2:14/21

Facts are facts…….the truth maybe hard to swallow but it doesnā€™t stop it from being the truth…….when I want to do something I can justify my wants faster than dominion can change votes in an election……I can only corral my behavior by realizing that left to my own devices I donā€™t make good choices and…

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domination……………..the constant fight

every artist knows about the constant battle of people trying to dominate and control you……… either they are not naturally creative or they envy your work andĀ  your interaction with life………………….. their efforts will take on many forms…………….the occasional off hand remark………….unenthusiatic comments…………………..or complaints about your preference in use of time………………………they will call it selfishness,…

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Evening squib……galamatias….,liar

I seem to recognize those words but they arenā€™t congruent with your face ……..the words tumble from your lips like water over ice….. they would suggest a pleasant experience had they not struggled with your eyes…….your lips were trying mighty hard but your eyes….,they could not lie:…… i think you should go.

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Evening squib….temptation

I see temptation and i sit down and wait … convinced that i can hangout……resist and be on my way…….then I am reminded that a little deviation is expected……no one is perfect……an that lapse in emotional control leads to situations that require much time and effort to resurrect……..a conscious life is not easy….. but it…

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Expectations…….rocks in my bed

I toss and turn all night long…. from these rocks I placed in my bed…… Ā when I expect more from you than I do from myself….I take the rocks in my head and place them in my bed and wonder whatā€™s going…… on…….expectations are bullets waiting to be fired

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Morning squib. 2/12….21

Blame our misfortunes on others and a funny thing begins…… the issue we thought we had come through… often begins again…..own it….your life…….your mistakes or you will never learn and the same things will happen over and over…again. Ā  Ā  Ā Ttucro

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We have a choice

I canā€™t change things that come my way but I can accept them as they are meant to be relying on a faith and past experience that there is a purpose and plan that requires this seemingly disturbing situation to be present so it is…..a bump in the road….a hill in the path and a…

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