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When someone shows you…….
When someone shows you who they are believe them you can struggle with your findings you can second guess yourself to the point it’s in your face accept it and realize no matter how hard it is to admit and how awful the feeling you denied the truth when someone shows you who they really…
Read MoreImitate……
I find myself imitating people I admire I might even personalize their habits to fit me Isn’t that how we learn and grow? Watching……and listening to others ——- I am a kaleidoscope and collage of those I have interacted with I imitate the behavior of people I esteem and continue to amass a wealth of…
Read MoreOdd ?……….or God ?
It may seem unlikely or impossible to believe…… but does it cause you to wonder…… is it odd or is it God? that face that looks oddly familiar……..and then it comes back to you…….a person in your past from many years ago is it odd or is it God? Those thoughts that linger…… won’t go…
Read MoreThe Hardest Game……
The hardest game is pretending you are sane because you never know if you’re succeeding ttucro
Read MoreWildflower……uprooted
I was fortunate enough to be born a wildflower you see And the treasures of the world 🌎 where just to much for me so I struggled until I was free thanked the good earth 🌍 for taking care of me now I’m taking my color and my smile to see what I can see…
Read MoreWhen to quit
after you have tried and you have done your best …. ? If you have…. then you have passed the test Sort through what you have learned Marked it as done and move on peace is knowing when to quit ttucro
Read MoreWhy are you still talking to trees….
Trees…. have a tendency to be entrenched In what they believe because …… of course…………………..they were raised by trees trees tend to be of the disposition that whatever their main role models where and how they approached different ideas…
Read MoreBefore You Go…
Just a note to let you know a thinly disguised reminder you are an important part in my life when two distinctly different backgrounds play together … there are bound to be misunderstandings…………. Taught 2 different languages and whatever fears and concerns your parents thought were important to pass on to you how tender so…
Read MoreConfirmation …… Validation
It is not uncommon nor unusual that every human goes through times when they need confirmation and validation from others so you are neither needy nor weak just human ttucro
Read MoreDigger……
You are welcome and to demonstrate how much I appreciate you i will not focus on anything that doesn’t help you along way…… if….. you find yourself in a pit the first hurdle to cross is admitting you dug it love you enough to be honest put the shovel in the shed digger ttucro
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