The Exchange

I made a decision that tested my reserve I had to choose between love and things I enjoyed many of the articles that had been acquired But a person is lost without someone or something to love The “ things” camouflaged what was lacking for a time But the Heart ❤️ needs to be nurtured…

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Delphic………sometimes on purpose

If is part of my makeup because  I like ambiguity……. Concerning myself I like the room around presenting major ideas and leaving the details to evolve And whereas it drives some people absolutely crazy I find the minutia of life both interesting at times and sometimes bothersome …….. go figure my obscurity concerning many things…

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Can you see it ?

Often I fail to see the things in front of me I  am grateful for the people that remind me how blind I can be Distracted by the simple things that others take in stride I obsess and resist the things I cannot change Until at last I fail the test and admit I didn’t…

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Occasionally anything and everything can happen the most beneficial mindset Is not to let “Occasionally” become a determining factor In how you conduct your life Deal with “Occasionally” like a visiting relative you’re not that fond of treat it with respect and don’t take it personally And send it on it way as soon as…

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Patience……the greatest escape artist

Pursue…… but it continues to escape me when I think I have it cornered it slips pass me like a greased pig……I can’t catch it…… occasionally when I do …… I can’t hold onto it it is painfully apparent when dealing with challenging situations I run short and I am aware that it isn’t with…

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The Grass is Message

The Grass is a perfect example Of how my life should be lived to put more into being than the doing the grass isn’t concerned with the rain or the sun it has no control over either It just is Worry isn’t part of its scenario Ttucro

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