Part of me

Everything and everyone I have encountered is a part of the fabric of my life….there are pieces of the fabric that I have strong feelings about some positive and some I have learned to accept……those had often been labeled…. Ā but I have removed them in favor of just regarding them as challenging lessons… the words…

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I would always prefer physical pain as opposed to mental…..the body heals quickly with proper rest ……..the mind has a hard time dealing with problems and moving on……ttucro

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Blessing or hindrance……memories

Weā€™re so smart……really?….we can see into the outer reaches of the universe but we canā€™t see how our resentments poison us…… memories can be blessings or a curse…….let go of the resentments and uncluttered your mind will function better …..make some room and take out the trash…….ttucro

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Step lightly

Step lightly as you approach the dark…..the slightest movements can create sparks and where you merely intended to pass through can quickly become ablaze …..that Ā engulfs you step lightly….as you pass through ttucro

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Never fully mature….not in the cards

We learn… we grow …. but we still have the occasional ā€œ foot ? Ā in the mouth ? and we do what we can to make amends and go on….donā€™t kid yourself…… there may be longer periods in between… but you will always be one card short…. of a full deck… ttucro

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