Treasure Chest

We are are gifted with a treasure chest inside our hearts, beneath our breasts and the key to unlocking it Is by sharing with others who don’t seem to fit ——————————————————————————-   love and kindness build bridges   ttucro

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Someone else’s shoes…..

Before you open the lion’s cage and call the gladiators to the ring take a break from tying the noose and set the rope aside it is so much easier to judge than understand because finding the answers takes time and that would mean we would have to control our emotions and that is cumbersome…

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I talk to much……

I talk too much …….. how about you do you suffer from loose lips too? I suppose it’s not that uncommon but do you think others ever as the question? How many times do you wish you could take back all the words spoken in haste …… when emotions were not bridled maybe that’s it…

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Fire Walker…….

There is no use beating around the bush ……. if you are true to yourself…..if you are authentic if you speak clearly and speak the truth if you aren’t a pretender and say what you mean if your have the courage and backbone to be a healer, instead of a squealer and honestly don’t give…

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All Good Fences

We all construct fences……sometimes physically…..sometimes mentally and sometimes both all fences are for protection  because we fear something getting in or something getting out but all good fences have one thing in common they have gates because things change…..people….places and thoughts so something we wouldn’t consider letting in at present……might be welcome in the future…

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Yesterday’s Mistakes…….

Yesterday’s mistakes are today’s keepsakes treasure them as gold for remembering where you have been and the trouble you were in may keep you from making those missteps again Yesterday’s mistakes………. today’s keepsakes treasure them as if they were gold ttucro

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I try to plant wherever I go seeds from the fruit that has helped me to grow because there is so much to learn and know and it’s good to share your lessons not on a soapbox or an attitude of “knowing it all” but from a desire to help someone avoid a fall When…

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Early in the morning when I open my eyes the gift of life stirs me and inspires my soul to fly so I make a firm commitment to give thanks  By giving back and the joy of living is enhanced and shared by loving and simple acts from early in the morning ttucro

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