Plagued by mental chatter

I pity those who’s mind is so cluttered with the noise of mice racing on a wheel that a machine is needed to make alternate noise to distract from the mental chatter……poor things a clear sign they are not at peace, jus saying ttucro

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For those that enhance my life vigilant to keep ….for those that hold me back…. May I have the courage to  recognize.and break Ttucro

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When I catch myself fabricating my social, economic  or material wealth ….it is a dead giveaway that I am neither appreciative nor grateful for what I do have………..humbling……..ouch ttucro

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It has to pass the test

Is it right for me and the right thing to do. Is it the truth……not my truth nor your truth….but the truth Is it beneficial to others as well as myself   Is it driven by logic……or emotion

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The Guiding Hand

The guiding hand directs my ways as a loving parent keeps close to an errant toddler ……..I can just barely feel His touch at times and occasionally it tightens when I am defiant and stubborn…..because He loves me…He will do what it takes…….ttucro

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Jus Saying God

To think that a God who created everything in the universe…….who I cannot pretend to understand…..would only create what I can perceive or comprehend doesn’t seem congruent to me …..there is more…so much more….every now and then …I catch glimpses ….a little much every day ttucro

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Growing Freedom

I found this seed inside of me….I had overlooked it for so long……I could not see that what troubled me was waiting in the seed to be sown… out of desperation I came to You on humbled knees….You helped me plant the seed and know “Freedom” from myself grows within…… thanks ttucro

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