John Harper Society

You can join free today….by a desire to spread the word that if a drowning man felt it was more important to lead others to Christ as the Titanic was going down than to save himself….he must have known 2 things 1. that He was saved.   2. That there was nothing more important than…

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Being the defiant person that I am….I push back against people, places and things that go against my grain…as I get older,I am seeing that most of the rebellions are actually divisions within…..ttucro

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Pay Attention

That thing that won’t leave you alone is begging for your attention….that one thing won’t go away and it haunts you and you ignore ….it is the one thing that will make you happy or it wouldn’t keep jabbing you in your side……maybe it’s time to pay attention.         Ttucro

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Now What

So now I know…..but the greatest test is ahead… talk with my feet and to resist the temptation to save you….you have to want to save yourself …..I hope the example I set will encourage you to want to do different an to be different….  But that’s  not up to me…. Either way I have…

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At the root of suspicion is lack of trust….sometimes warranted and often those skeletons in our closet rattling to remind us if we are paying attention to examine if our misdeeds of the past or present are being projected on someone else…..jus saying….worth a look ?.          Ttucro

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The Conflict Begins

Each morning you face off with the new day and you never win trying to put it back into the bottle…..through a series of of small conflicts you finally accept your fate and surrender……already exhausted from a fight you will never win with reality…..can’t watch you …..makes me tired what a way to start the…

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