When u get there

When u get there u will know because everything has started to slow and what you thought was boring is now enchantingā€¦because you have taken the time to seeā€¦..eyes finally openā€¦.. ttucro

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In Thy Sight

For it is good that I remind myself that God can see the real ā€œmeā€ā€¦ā€¦I have no need to try and pretend or endeavor to hide my fears ā€¦ā€¦for I have surrendered my life to Him and and He keeps me by his sideā€¦.ttucro

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? broken hearts for Phillo and staā€¦c

Broken heart you will mend when your grief seems like it will never endā€¦ā€¦and another door appears and what you always wanted is right there ā€¦.. and you canā€™t believe itā€™s true ā€¦..just just remember God will never give up on youā€¦ā€¦.donā€™t give up on Himā€¦.. ttucro

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The Helpful Hand / 4ā€¦S. Metox

The helpful hand is always ready to be of serviceā€¦..accompanied by a willingness to giveā€¦ā€¦offers me patience that always amazes meā€¦..God the master coordinator graced me with a friend and cohort on the journey of faith in a complex worldā€¦ā€¦a great reminder that there are many of us and we must praise each other for…

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People in pain

People in pain often rain on everyone they meetā€¦ā€¦help then if you can but be careful where you standā€¦.because wherever they go they leak ā€¦ā€¦.ttucro

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The drink of water is like the comfort you seek for a body that is tired, a body that feels weakā€¦ā€¦..the same can be said for the trials of lifeā€¦ā€¦. We must renew our spirit each day by going to the sourceā€¦ā€¦..God

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Knowing the Truth

Knowing the truth puts us on a precipiceā€¦. We can pretend to ignore it ā€¦..or we can step out into the great unknownā€¦..the courage to take that step is the difference between faith and the lack thereofā€¦ā€¦ā€¦either you do or you donā€™t ttucro

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The Great Compromise

So we feel a power outside of ourselves and we want that power insideā€¦..we learn about that power from others and soon realize that is their concept and we need to find our ownā€¦,and we doā€¦.. doesnā€™t take long before we realize that we arenā€™t going to live up to the ideals we are presented…

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Crippled Dinosaur

A crippled dinosaur roams the hills and valleys of my mimdā€¦ā€¦trying to make sense out of a new world where he is no longer a dominant playerā€¦.broken appendages from years of battle have reeked havoc on both body and soul He keeps searching for a safe place to restā€¦. But old enemies continue to pursue…

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