
I owe You for giving me the opportunity to live a life free of the confines and encumbrances of this world …… by turning my life over to You…..God ttucro

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This guy I know follows me everywhere I go and he is forever speaking out of turn ….he is so self consumed he reminds me of a balloon and I wonder why he doesn’t blow away…..when I think I have him constrained he pops back up again and makes a fool out of me….  And…

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I heard a man say that was locked away …..”I decided these bars couldn’t hold me …. So I freed my mind and no one one can confine these thoughts that can take me anywhere”…..  don’t be a prisoner of your mind…. Ttucro

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You Never Know

That’s the cool thing about life…..any moment can bring another dimension to something or someone that until that moment was hidden…….live life expectantly…….ttucro

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Workout Partner

The day seems heavy Lord and it’s just begun……I need your help to get things done. …..please help me to pause and think things through……so the tasks ahead I need not redo……amen………. Ttucro

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