
There are no degrees of wrong…….either one’s actions are correct or incorrect……there is no right …..,in wrong …. Get over it ttucro

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Keep Trying

In my walk I fall short of the code I profess to believe……. I brush myself off and get up again and try to follow the path I am forever leaving….. ttucro

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One will know and one will grow from what is given between……. One life will be touched and that is enough…… for me to keep fishing in the stream …..God bless the “One”……. Ttucro

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What takes you so long?

When my nerves are shot…..ready to explode…..I turn to the “Source” for strength ….. the question remains…….”Why do I wait until after the canons are loaded?”         Ttucro

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The air we breathe….the water we drink…..the food we eat are gifts from the Father ……be grateful and give thanks …… it can all be taken away ttucro

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The only  information that I can trust is delivered by people of faith …. Everything else is conjecture……ttucro

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The first order of business in realizing a successful life is the honest appraisal of yourself…., that requires a level of honesty that few pursue…….but if one endeavors to do so they are virtually assured of success …… because they know the enemy well……. themselves       Ttucro

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