But I’m Not

I could get lost in the insanity of everything that is surrounding me…….but I refrain from going down the drain because I hold tight to the hand that is guiding me……thank you God ttucro

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Distortion is a natural law of the universe and physics…….. but it is an absolute hindrance when dealing with others and issues. One must take enough time to discern reality of the situation or if unsure ask a trusted advisor for clarity …..otherwise you are unraveling a ball of yarn blindfolded ……you  know who that…

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Bond…..,for joe gun…….

There are things that words cannot capture……..like the bond between brothers that have physically been apart for years……….there are some things that are stronger than time…….. the bond of friends Ttucro

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Only One Way to the Gate

Only one way to the gate of “Freedom” by accepting and acknowledging Jesus Christ……I have spent much of this life looking for alternatives and shortcuts…..all a waste of time only one way ttucro

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Looking back at times in my life “pejorative” would be a word I would use to describe certain periods…….directly the result of addictions and outside influences…….when finally approaching the inside issues the outside issues began to fade away……I didn’t want to live a negative life nor continue to be a negative influence ……..ttucro

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Never Ceases to Amaze Me

God never stops working……..when we get in the way……takes another path……if we stay in the way ……He sends warnings and they get louder and bigger as we go along……God never stops working……and He works best when we surrender ttucro

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