
I need to give you permission to be you ……not because you need my approval …..but because I need to accept that person …….ttucro

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When I stop discovering who I am and what makes me tick…….I am spiritually dead…….the discovery process is imperative to growth ….. if you aren’t growing you are dying ttucro

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Delight in the Fight

The struggles we face each day are better faced with the knowledge that we have the resources and power to handle everything and anything……,that power is God……toodles ttucro

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If I profess to have a faith and rely on a constant need for consultation and reinforcement from others……I question the scope and quality of my professed faith……either you trust or you don’t ttucro

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Growing older presents the opportunity to edit and revise…….if one has the stomach and the courage…..I find myself spending far more time unlearning ……..than learning ………..such is the circle ⭕️ of life ………. Ttucro

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