
I cannot take something without to fix a spiritual ailment within……the “soul renewal” comes only from the source…….the springs of life come only from regular interaction with the Father…..God

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Safe as Your Faith

The world can turn…….at a dizzying pace…..and old tenets are discarded at and incredible rate but what I can’t change I dare not fear……as long as I keep my faith and …..God very near…… ttucro

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Beautiful Choas

The right mindset aka……attitude……can allow the most difficult situations to divulge their hidden beauty……can only be seen when the eyes of the heart are clear we see with the eyes of our heart…….and fight it out with the eyes of our mind……the result is what we see with the eyes in our head…… ttucro

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How about that………a lazy….wayward…..underachiever got tired of running the show……sat down and listened to the “Voice” that had been trying to connect and got redirected and attained a level of peace, serenity and faith that had been neglected and surrendered to a God that loves me…….and accepted a reservation to a place……I had heretofore thought…

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