Enough and moderation

The same things that can heal us…….can hurt us……too much of anything isn’t good …….we have to be willing to admit if it’s helping or we are being coddled …… ttucro

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Words of understanding and nourishment can flow like a stream over you…….for years…….. but they can neither nourish nor sustain…….until you are ready to receive and follow them…….words only have power when you acknowledge them……until then…..they are like arrows shot in the dark….. ttucro

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Strength in numbers

The heart and soul of a person needs nourishment…….and a good diet concerning spiritual matters……must include service to others in whatever form…… there is strength in numbers…….especially the number…….2. ttucro

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Not me…….

Ha ha ha…….. the best thing about me……isn’t me……but God in me ……….as it should be…..all glory to the Father……worthy to be praised…. Ttucro

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