Once and if………we realize that we will spend a lifetime discovering who we are …… we can come unglued or accept it and go on to stumbling towards ecstasy ……. Ttucro

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You get what you accept

The things that are against your understanding and knowledge are ………misunderstood by you ……. Or are erroneous in their tenets……and you condone them by accepting them …….or you revolt in non physical defiance with your money…….,and time……you get what you accept……..rise ttucro

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It is………that simple

Some will say ……….”well yeah”……many will say…”oh if were only that simple”……..that you or I are as happy as we choose to be ……….I cannot change wars…….or society….what’s left of it…….. but I can accept those things or anything that I cannot change and avoid it as much as I can……and be happy and grateful…

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To be in bondage

One immediately thinks of chains, locks and tethers …….. but the ultimate bondage is the incarceration of the mind…..has been proven many times……conditions no matter how severe… cannot contain the enlightened mind…….you can stop being a prisoner when you decide to…… ttucro

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