Everyone uses sign language…….

The mouth 👄 is only one of the ways we communicate……and often the least effective……the aura is the first…… the body second……and the mouth last ……make sure you understand the process if you want to be heard……ttucro

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The Winds of Change

Time and the “winds of change”…… strip us……prune us…..and often unnerve us……testing our faith…….but one thing remains constant……God’s love …….ttucro

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Leave a little wiggle room

There is much to be said for a reasonable amount of flexibility……..too close rubs people the wrong way and a little “wiggle room”……. makes conversations and people more comfortable……bend……don’t break……. Ttucro

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Most Precious Possession

My most precious possession is the moment I am living in…….. it holds unlimited possibilities and unlimited potential…..my job is to stay present and be aware of what has been generously provided ……ttucro

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Just Impossible

One isn’t capable of looking at a person, place or thing……once…….and be able to capture all there to know about any of these things …….there is no substitute for the necessary investment of time ……time demands it… ttucro

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The Past is Gone

I lure myself into thinking that pieces of the past can be interwoven with the present…….and they can…… but often with the same results that they fostered before………..the past is best to be occasionally examined and left where it is…..gone ttucro

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