Wheel of Time

Beware of the wheel of time……..it never stops……if you are feeling tired……confused or lost…….step aside and let it pass… or you will be crushed….…you can rejoin the wheel at any time………better to step aside until you are ready to roll once again…… ttucro

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What did you expect?

You feed yourself a steady diet of negative reports……negative relationships and negative fears and concerns …….. do you expect good to come from evil…..get real…….change your diet…..  ttucro we

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Pauper ……..#3.5

Until one renounces ownership of all property…..monies…….. personal items and deems them to be gifts of God…….they will hold little meaning …….. when that perception changes then can they become…..cherished ttucro

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Drinking Poison

You wouldn’t consciously drink poison…….then why surround yourself with poisonous people…….who negatively impact your life……stop drinking poison…..if they are negative……. I will let them go or if they have to remain I will limit my exposure to them…..I don’t have time to waste ttucro

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If I didn’t believe the best days of my life were ahead……what would be the point of living…… wallowing in the morose of broken promises and goals not achieved….. no…..life gets better because we grow as we stumble and rise again….. yes……the best days are every day I am grateful to have the willingness to…

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