Hard Pill to Swallow…..#453.2

What we say should be about truth and relevance……void of opinion or prejudice…..remember…..people will ask for your opinion if they want it ……..so don’t offer it……and don’t give it…. Some love to bait others into discourse that serve no purpose and change nothing….. they love to hear the sound of their voice…..their voice ttucro

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My plan was to do little today ………and I did it i wasn’t going to start any projects today…..and I didn’t I wasn’t going to make any promises ….and I didn’t I wasn’t going to try and make someone happy…..that doesn’t want to be …….and I didn’t Hmmmmm….didn’t expect this sense of accomplishment think I…

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Good Intentions……worthless

I wrote a song for you……..but I never sing it I bought a gift for you…… but I forgot to bring it I said I would pray for you…….. but I didn’t pray it But I think about you all the time…….… Good intentions…………Worthless

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Mental Weeds

Thoughts are fleeting moments…….until we feed them or weed them…….much as we would like to think they are harmless…… they influence our actions…….liken them to a splinter…….very small yet they can produce great amounts of pain. your thoughts have power….choose wisely ttucro

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Abandon all hope of purity……..humanity took care of that……but don’t use that as an excuse……. Not to strive for perfection ttucro

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One is successful……..if they live consciously and aware that their life is a gift……. To be used to the benefit of the world and people that they come in contact with everyday….and live in such a manner to reflect that……. ttuco

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Spirituality gives us the ability to be certain in our uncertainty…… we don’t know what is going to happen….. but we know if will be okay ttucro

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