Call it what it is……a gift

The tides of change continue to roll and I have learned to ride them without assigning a tag or label as identification or preference…… they are what they are……sweet and flowing…..or arduous and trying……they are given to me to experience and learn from…….they are all gifts that I am grateful for…….. ttucro

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Every Now and Then

Every now and then I dismiss all the clutter and distractions that encamp in my head and return to the overwhelming…….overriding all the issues is the magnificent earth we inhabit……. Take time to marvel at the creation it is a great reminder that we aren’t in charge…… get over it ttucro

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Missionary Prayer

God may I speak in love…..those things You need me to say……. God may I offer what You have graciously given….. May I receive what You wish me to partake……. May I love with the certainty that You are always replenishing……. p.s.  we are all on a mission…….thus we are all missionaries    

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Old Children Playing Fire……

Immediately we think about children playing with matches or a lighter…..neither a good choice …….Age may change the face, the height and the shape…….but at times aren’t we  guilty of doing the same thing……perhaps with different instruments……but ending with the same conclusion……fire Ttucro has  

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