Not Far Away

There is a place I go and it gives me peace……. Lifts my spirits and keep me safe…. it gets pulled and it gets scraped and it often bends and sometimes…… breaks but it is the only way I can life a life that is true to myself…… heart and it’s never far away ttucro

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Bigger wings

The mother bird approached her son standing on the edge of the nest…….he stood staring into space she asked “son what’s on your mind?” ”im praying Mom” “ for what May I ask”” ” bigger wings Mom”…….”why “ she asked ”mom there is someone I want to take with me” Bigger wings

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Untangling the knot you placed around your neck by letting others disrespect…… your hands are weary from the task….. but you knew if you were going to last…… you had to get this rope from around your neck….. and you did…..yes you did…..untangled ttucro

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Someone you thought you knew…….tells you they lie to protect themselves from you finding who they are you drive…..sometimes fast and sometimes slow….but you drive you chose to unravel your world 🌎 to put it back together cutting out the cancer…… you drive you pick up people that remind you of one’s you are trying…

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Fire with Fire

Fighting fire with fire is a great way to get warm but you end up charred and smelling like smoke……and never solves anything……..people that bend….always win… ttucro

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Such a simple word…….with unlimited potential few ever “do”…… more than is required and begrudgingly at that to “do” from a desire, that word that pulls you forward, is the essence of spiritual enlightenment “ do “ is the door opener to the secrets of the universe ttucro

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