Don’t…..Stop Chasing Dogs

The dog I was chasing…stopped and we had a talk

He said..” why are you after me all I did was bark…that’s what I’m supposed to do when I see people running in the dark”……..

“I wasn’t really chasing you it just seemed that way. You just happened to be where you were and I passed your way. I can’t say what I’m running from nor what I’m running to……. I’m glad we had a chance to talk I mean no harm to you.”

He replied…” well of course I wear no shoes but I’ve been in a similar state….the problem was I was always running late……so I decided the best path to take…not a fan of running on the road, was to cut a deal with Father Time….this is how it goes…I don’t question His judgement and He doesn’t mine and He does His Thing and I do mine and we get along fine. Every so often He throws me a bone….. that’s the only way I’m on time.”

He said “good nite “ and wondered off into the dark and I walked the road alone….I made the same deal…just waiting for the bone.” 🦴

because .

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