The Seasons of Beauty for Tammy and Gracie
Best thing about traveling is the people you meet and connect with……
the hard part is leaving them
Gracie is young and confident about her looks…. First woman I’ve met that acknowledged her beauty in a modest not arrogant manner
I can appreciate that someone knows who they are and what they are
Tammy is closer to my age which means she had her battles with life…. Survived and weathered the storms without losing her positive attitude and life hasn’t stripped her of her beauty and charm
she’s a good natured soul and her inside beauty competes with her outside beauty
she’s still a looker
so I would think that I saw the before and after of two lovely ladies……
I suppose Tammy was like Gracie when she was younger…..and I think Gracie will be like Tammy when she gets older
The stages of beauty…… two examples that beauty defies time if you’re heart and head are in the right place…..
almost David