The best sex I never had…. For C

Attended a great gathering of good folk and great entertainment and workshops for us nomads…

Peace…Love….Vans in Dade City Fla.

I’ve been writing songs for a long time and now playing at different events….. it was fun and it went well.

This young lady was there and she was leggy and pranced as opposed to walking. She is a looker….her  name is C…….and I couldn’t keep my eyes off her. Finally after catching me ogling…..she smiled and I approached her to apologize.

I said I apologize for staring at you….she said in a sweet non condescending voice ….. “ if it makes you happy..  it makes me happy….” I was having trouble breathing and she said she enjoyed my songs…over the next 2 hours we exchanged smiles…. It was close to being over and I headed down the path to the main parking area.

i heard footsteps behind me and in a few steps she was beside me.

” I felt like I needed to say something to you…..”

I wasn’t dreaming, we connected and we knew it.

I tried to offer a compliment about how beautiful and vibrant she was… our smile exchange she did the scissors thing with her gorgeous legs…women like to do that if they have shapely ones..sheeeee did

she said no one I’ve just met has ever said that to me

I asked if most of those men were blind…..she smiled

she said I want to thank you for your gift of song

ok ok I’m a horn toad and I was ready to give her several gifts….well

she was in her early twenties and said she had a boyfriend…..lucky son of a….  Lovely Mother

I gave her a peck on the cheek and offered my hand

which she yanked pretty hard and we were in a wrestling match seeing who could squeeze harder..we stayed in the “death hold”…. for an eternity …..,about 15 seconds

I think both of us were a bit stunned…..we had just made love with our clothes on..

She said “ please read into that what you want”…..I did and still am.

A beautiful woman that could have been my daughter..  hey It is what it is….. taught me that making love is not only possible…. But should be a regular practice in a committed relationship with both parties fully dressed….

C………may our paths cross again…. I would be up for sex with my clothes on.. probably always be the best sex….. I never had

kisses to a fairy.. .. C

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