Excuse me….have you seen my Hanna?

I couldn’t sleep

Put on my coat

began walking

down the dark street

cars passed slowly

no one was there but me

i had no one to question

something came over me

i began to cry…..and grabbed the closest tree

i tried to regain my bearings and the tree whispered to me

“the fairy queen hasn’t left you and she never will

these times apart are to remind you … how it feels

to long to hold another to walk through life side by side….

this walk is to remind you what a gift life is about to give…..

you see what it feels to be without her…. those feelings are real….
be sure to pay attention to that yearning in your soul

never forget this feeling and you will never be apart”


I woke the next morning…. Don’t remember how I got there …. My coat still adorned me and there were leaves in my hair

a crumpled note was in my hand it was signed “the fairy queen”

it read …. “ I’m sorry it was painful but there was no other way ….I asked you for your freedom to know another way….to take both of us to other worlds that we had only dreamed…. Yes I am a fairy and I have powers of my own…. But the rewards I seek can only come ….. if I am not traveling on my own. So I’m here to answer your question that only I could tell….

yes I am your Hanna and you will be my man… but please realize that I am special and I needed another to appreciate who and what I am. There is a certain magic that only a few couples share…..we can have that magic….. I wanted to be sure you were the one that would complete the puzzle and allow us….to go there…. Yes I am your Hanna……just a little longer and I will be here…..just a little longer and I will be here.”


almost david

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