Daylight……Saving Time

Don’t know who much time we can really save… we can take shortcuts or cut corners……but for me they usually cause me to spend more time and not less   But I do know we can savor time …. It all comes down to getting in….and getting out of the flow the lessons we learn…

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Maybe someday……kinda doubt it

Maybe someday all my ducks will be in a row but I doubt it….. perhaps these periods of turbulence will fade away but I doubt it….. the people that mistake me and misunderstood me will get it but I doubt it….. the good I want to do will be appreciated and graciously accepted but I…

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Well…..I guess so

Not sure what to make of you perhaps you feel the same about me there was a turbulence that hovered around you I tried to sort through your alcohol infused chatter but a professional linguist would have been puzzled – a perfect ending to a memorable day…..a distorted conversation that left more questions about you…

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It’s not true…….

It’s not true……..what you say to you those negative thoughts are a snare to let you think less of yourself……that nobody cares but set aside those loath full words that don’t belong to you turn them away and just say …..” I won’t pay attention to you “ Inside everyone is a measure of lies…

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You are kidding…..

You are kidding yourself if you think you are free…..and worry about things out of your control you are kidding yourself if you think you are financially secure but are consumed with more you are kidding yourself if you think negative thoughts and present yourself as a caring person you are kidding yourself if you…

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Those Eyes……for Gwen……

Those eyes take me places…. To muted colors and soft light paths bordered by vibrant flowers that mimic the smile on your face those eyes see me…. Beyond my imperfections to my soul and they embrace I see into the depths of those eyes and I am traveling…….. into your heart……through the portals of those…

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The answer is yes…

It is what it is…..yes the day is whatever I want to make it….yes people can do what they do and say what they say..I have a choice in how I react and what I do with it yes so say yes to life…to love… pain….to sorrow yes will get you there and you will…

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But you never said……and neither did I

I’m sure we don’t think alike …. But that’s ok I suppose people can respect each other and learn I think you wanted something…… but you never said I wonder how many connections I’ve missed that would have changed my life….. but I never said they say everything is just exactly like it’s supposed to…

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Never……give up

Oh yes…. a bit of doubting Frustration filtered in but it will never quell my spirit that will never give in yes still chasing rainbows and ignore the calls to stop you have resigned your life to happiness in spots but I am climbing the mountain of wisdom and delight there will be storms and…

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