Archive for February 2025
I can tell life has run over you many times… some when you were walking in the road….. some when you were on the sidewalk life never is fair… just is Im sure your tatts all have a story…..your story If I could transform the present moment into a better future….I would many would write…
Read MoreWant vs. Need
It is a delicate balance between want and need these is nothing wrong with having some things because you enjoy them……but if there is a constant struggle to get more for the sake of more….you have one leg 🦵 on the beam….out of balance the constant pressure for more is a familiar characteristic of those…
Read MoreNever again……
Humbling to admit…… I spent a lifetime trying to live for others….do for others……and be for others the term “people pleaser” …is a nice way of describing a fake….liar because the show is a facade……window dressing for a chameleon…..I be what you want me to be until I can’t take any longer and leave……when most…
Read MoreRead the Sign……”no trespassing”
I don’t need no man….messing up my plans….my life is simple and I like it that way…..I’ve been through all that many times before……I’m doing fine my heart is mine….i check the lock frequently on that door….they always leave a mess….I get upset….not going through that anymore…..I don’t need a man My routine is set….took…
Read MoreThat song…..will be sung
That song that you penned is tired of waiting it wants to be sung and until you sing it……it won’t leave you alone so the pieces are there to the puzzle and they are being carefully arranged so when the puzzle is completed… ready to sing…….that song be ready to sing that song ttucro
Read MoreStorm Damage
I wasn’t in Ashville North Carolina when the storm came through….. but I have been back 4 times with different groups trying to help where we can The first entry was the hardest….. riding through the beautiful Black Mountains…..majestic…..only to be dumped into devastation and chaos…. From high to low in minutes it will never…
Read MoreEnlightened…..
I think it is pretty common that those seeking a broader spiritual understanding Approach from a position of transformation into or becoming I have come to believe that the mere desire of a seeker is an indication that the divine is already part of their DNA So rather than becoming…… we become part and acknowledge…
Read MorePost it notes….always eat healthy….4…S….ash
I had a few clues concerning you but they were but a sparkler on a holiday time fostered a bigger celebration and so we got out the rockets and took turns setting them off you were surprised how much you enjoyed the fireworks and they hinted at feelings that had been dormant for some time…
Read MoreNot for sale….
There is no ownership in love……none only Offerings ttucro
Read MoreI’m not the only one…..
Yes I’m a dreamer….. I know I’m not the only one Realizing that a great amount of work will have to be put forth to make them happen but the joy of fulfilling makes the effort seem less like work and more like positive energy flowing I do believe that the most unlikely things can…
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