Hi…..I’m almost……David
its been a long journey……. Stopping at places I never wanted to go
doing what I never wanted to do
being what I never wanted to be
to please others
I suppose it would be correct to call me a coward….up until now
Now…..I am free of the good opinions of others
people and things will take you to destinations you could never fathom on your own
but for the sake of fitting in……and not making waves… row in directions that never felt right
but you bit your tongue and tried to make the best of a lie …. From you the liar….the pretender…..a chameleon that changed colors depending on the situation… more
I apologize to myself for being a mule with a bit in his mouth……governed by the desire and whims of the current owner
Owners changed frequently because when I had enough I kicked the gate open…..only to run into the pen of the next owner
Almost David… on the right path finally……and He isn’t going back to being a mule anymore
I’m not for sale and the pastures I’m heading to are of my own choosing…. Goodbye from solitary confinement……I have accepted the pardon
welcome to Almost David……no we haven’t met before… was someone pretending…..
to be me………Almost David